Note: You may have to bypass your browser’s cache to see the changes. In addition, after saving a sitewide CSS file such as MediaWiki:Common.css, it will take 5-10 minutes before the changes take effect, even if you clear your cache.
- Mozilla / Firefox / Safari: hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (Command-R on a Macintosh);
- Konqueror and Chrome: click Reload or press F5;
- Opera: clear the cache in Tools → Preferences;
- Internet Explorer: hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5.
- This script lacks a documentation subpage. You may create it.
- Useful links: root page • root page’s subpages • links • redirects • your own
This JavaScript is executed for ZBroz on every page load.
// <nowiki>
/** Returns the content of a parameter passed via URL. Does not
* treat booleans in a dedicated manner, returning their string
* content instead. If the parameter is not found, returns either
* a default value (iDefaultValue) or an empty string.
* Based on Wiktionary's MediaWiki:Edit.js. */
function getURLParameter(parameterName, /*optional*/ iDefaultValue) {
var defaultValue = typeof iDefaultValue != 'undefined' ? iDefaultValue : "";
if (! ( &&"?")[1]))
return defaultValue;
try {"?")[1].split("&"); }
catch (e) {
return defaultValue; } //not an edit page
for (var k = 0; k < urlParts.length; ++k) {
if (pair[0]==parameterName)
return decodeURIComponent(pair[1].replace(/\+/gi," "));
return defaultValue;
/** Alerts the user by adding a new div to the center of the page rather than
* via a pop up. */
function divAlert(message) {
var div = document.createElement("div"); = "fixed"; = 100; = "40%"; = "30%"; = "30%"; = "15pt"; = "brown"; = "white"; = "15pt";
div.innerHTML = message;
/** Adds a translation or several translations in one languages to the page,
* to the translation section with the heading containg the gloss.
* There can be multiple translations, separated by semicolon.
* A single translation element can contain gender indicated by a single letter,
* separated from the translation using space, as in "jezevec m". Supported
* genders are m, f, n, and c. There is no support for transliteration.
function addTranslations(language, langCode, translationString, gloss, buttonToPress) {
/** Returns a pair of [translation, gender] given a string with a translation followed
by a space and then by a single letter indicating the gender. If no gender is found,
return a pair of [translation, ""]. */
function genderSplit(translationWithGender) {
var translation=translationWithGender;
genderMatches = translationWithGender.match(/^(.*) ([mfnc])$/);
if (genderMatches!=null)
return [genderMatches[1], genderMatches[2]];
return [translation,""];
if (gloss=="" || translationString=="") {
divAlert("The gloss or the translation is empty. No translation added.");
return; }
if (language=="" || langCode=="") {
divAlert("The language or language code is missing. No translation added.");
return; }
// Trim the translation string, split it by semicolon and create the new translation line
var translations=translationString.replace(/^ +/g,"").replace(/ +$/g,"").split(/ *; */);
var newTranslationLine = "* "+language+": ";
for (i=0; i<translations.length;i++) {
if (i>0)
newTranslationLine+= ", "
genderSplitPair = genderSplit(translations[i]);
newTranslationLine += "{{t|"+langCode+"|"+translation+(gender!=""?"|"+gender:"")+"}}";
var content=document.getElementById("wpTextbox1").value;
var i = content.indexOf("{{trans-top|"+gloss,0);
if (i<0) {
divAlert("The gloss was not found on the page: \""+gloss+"\". No translation added.");
//console.log("The gloss was not found on the page: \""+gloss+"\". No translation added."); Does not seem to do anything.
return; }
var j = content.indexOf("{{trans-bottom}}",i);
var part1 = content.substring(0,i);
var part2 = content.substring(i,j);
var part3 = content.substring(j,content.length);
if (part2.indexOf(language,0)>=0) {
divAlert("A "+language+" translation is already present in the translation table with the gloss \""+gloss+"\". No translation added.")
return; }
// Break the part2 by newlines and insert the new translation at the right place.
var part2lines = part2.split("\n");
var newPart2 = "";
var newTranslationAdded=false;
for (i=0; i<part2lines.length;i++) {
if (i>0)
newPart2 += "\n";
// Add the new translation if it was not yet added and if this is the right place.
// Example of the presentation of a language on the line: "* Danish:", "* [[Aragonese]]:
var languageArray = part2lines[i].match(/^\* \[?\[?(.*?)\]?\]?:/);
if (languageArray!=null) {
var lineLanguage=languageArray[1];
if (!newTranslationAdded && (language < lineLanguage)) {
newPart2 += newTranslationLine+"\n";
newTranslationAdded = true; }}
newPart2 += part2lines[i]; }
if (!newTranslationAdded) { // Thus, the added language is the last translation to be added.
newPart2 += newTranslationLine+"\n";
newTranslationAdded = true; }
var summary = "/* translation gloss:"+gloss+" */ ";
for (i=0; i<translations.length;i++) {
if (i>0)
summary+= "; "
genderSplitPair = genderSplit(translations[i]);
summary += "+"+langCode+":[["+translation+"]]"; }
if (buttonToPress)
// buttonToPress: "wpSave", "wpPreview", "wpDiff"
function enableAddingTranslations() {
if (getURLParameter("task")=="addtrans")
addTranslations(getURLParameter("language"), getURLParameter("langCode"),
getURLParameter("translation"), getURLParameter("gloss"), getURLParameter("button"));
// Ruakh's Tbot
Tbot.getHeadLine['cs~adjective'] =
Tbot.getHeadLine['cs~adverb'] =
Tbot.getHeadLine['cs~noun'] =
Tbot.getHeadLine['cs~proper noun'] =
Tbot.getHeadLine['cs~verb'] = function (tbotData)
var ret = '{{cs-';
if(tbotData.pos === 'adjective' || tbotData.pos === 'adverb')
ret += tbotData.pos.substr(0, 3); // 'adj' or 'adv'
ret += tbotData.pos; // 'noun', 'proper noun', 'verb'
ret += '|head=' + tbotData.head;
if(tbotData.pos === 'noun' || tbotData.pos === 'proper noun')
ret += '|g=' + tbotData.g.replace(/[|]/g, '');
ret += '}}';
return ret;
$(function() { Tbot.greenifyTranslinks('cs'); });