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This JavaScript is executed for Tlustulimu on every page load, when User:Tlustulimu is using the Vector skin.

/* Füge Projektportal-Link hinzu */
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/* Füge Link-Tags fürs Inhaltsverzeichnis hinzu */
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//Bei Dschwen gefunden
// [[Benutzer:Dschwen/wikiminiatlas2.js]] - diese Zeile bitte mitkopieren

//aus der englischen Wikipedia in Deutsch
// install the German translation for [[en:User:Cacycle/wikEd]]

// install [[User:Cacycle/wikEd]] in-browser text editor

// vom Benutzer:Zacke in dewp
function addlilink(tabs, url, name, id) {
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function addtoolboxlinks() {
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//dlilink(tb, '/wiki/Wikipedija:Požadane_přełožki', 'Požadane přełožki', '');
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//addlilink(tb, '/wiki/Kategorija:Kandidaty_za_šmórnjenje', 'Kat. Kand. šm.', '');
//addlilink(tb, '/wiki/Wikipedija:Kandidaty_za_šmórnjenje', 'Wik. Kand. šm.', '');
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