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Documentation for Template:User:Saph/niv-decl. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

Generates a declension table for Nivkh and Nighvng nouns.


Regional endings to display. (use a for Amur, North Sakhalin, and West Sakhalin, b for Central Sakhalin, East Sakhalin, and South Sakhalin)
Dictates gradation. Set to 1 if the lemma ends in a vowel, liquid, or nasal, 2 if the lemma ends in a voiced plosive, 3 if in a fricative, and 4 if in a voiceless plosive.
|head= (optional)
Overrides PAGENAME.


on аки (aki) returns

on ыкын (əkən) returns



The ablative, accusative, and additive cases have been shortened from their original names in Gruzdeva 1998 for concision. Respectively, in Gruzdeva 1998, they are locative-ablative, accusative-dative, and dative-additive.

This template sources its endings from Gruzdeva 1998.[1]

  1. ^ Gruzdeva, Ekaterina (1998) Nivkh, München, Newcastle: LINCOM EUROPA