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- Mozilla / Firefox / Safari: hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (Command-R on a Macintosh);
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- This user script lacks a documentation subpage. Please create it.
- Useful links: root page • root page’s subpages • links • redirects • your own
/* Adds buttons, using [[User:Erutuon/scripts/CleanupButtons.js]], to perform various cleanups including replacing uder with more specific templates */
/* jshint boss: true, esversion: 6, eqeqeq: true, varstmt: true, unused: true, undef: true */
/* globals $, CleanupButtons, mw */
// <nowiki>
if ( [ "edit", "submit" ].includes(mw.config.get("wgAction"))
&& mw.config.get("wgPageContentModel") === "wikitext"
// Not in edit conflict view.
&& !document.querySelector(".mw-twocolconflict-changes-col")) {
).done(function () {
"use strict";
const cleanupFunctions = [
textBoxIncludes: `uder`,
button: { text: "to bor" },
minorEdit: true,
function(content) {
const oldContent = content;
content = content.replace("{{uder", "{{bor");
CleanupButtons.addSummary(oldContent !== content, "uder > bor");
return content;
textBoxIncludes: `uder`,
button: { text: "to der" },
minorEdit: true,
function(content) {
const oldContent = content;
content = content.replace("{{uder", "{{der");
CleanupButtons.addSummary(oldContent !== content, "uder > der");
return content;
textBoxIncludes: `uder`,
button: { text: "to lbor" },
minorEdit: true,
function(content) {
const oldContent = content;
content = content.replace(/{{uder([^}]+)}}/, "{{lbor$1|notext=1}}");
CleanupButtons.addSummary(oldContent !== content, "uder > lbor");
return content;
textBoxIncludes: `uder`,
button: { text: "to ubor" },
minorEdit: true,
function(content) {
const oldContent = content;
content = content.replace(/{{uder([^}]+)}}/, "{{ubor$1|notext=1}}");
CleanupButtons.addSummary(oldContent !== content, "uder > ubor");
return content;
textBoxIncludes: /(?<====Etymology===\n)(?!from)([^\n.]+)/i,
button: { text: "missing from" },
minorEdit: true,
function(content) {
const oldContent = content;
content = content.replace(/(?<====Etymology===\n)(?!from)([^\n.]+)/i, "From $1.");
content = content.replace("..", ".");
CleanupButtons.addSummary(oldContent !== content, "add missing from");
return content;
textBoxIncludes: `uder`,
button: { text: "to translit" },
minorEdit: true,
function(content) {
const oldContent = content;
content = content.replace(/{{uder([^}]+)}}/, "{{translit$1|notext=1}}");
CleanupButtons.addSummary(oldContent !== content, "uder > translit");
return content;
textBoxIncludes: /(\[\[w:([^\]|]+)(?:\|\1)?\]\]|\[\[w:([^\|]+)\|([^\]]+)\]\])/,
button: { text: "templatise w" },
minorEdit: true,
function(content) {
const oldContent = content;
content = content.replace(/\[\[w:([^\]|]+)(?:\|\1)?\]\]/g, "{{w|$1}}");
content = content.replace(/\[\[w:([^\|]+)\|([^\]]+)\]\]/g, "{{w|$1|$2}}");
CleanupButtons.addSummary(oldContent !== content, "templatise wikipedia links");
return content;
textBoxIncludes: /\[\[category:[a-z\-]{1,11}:/i,
button: { text: "topic cleanup" },
minorEdit: true,
function(content) {
const oldContent = content;
content = content.replace(/\[\[category:([a-z\-]{1,11}):([^\]]+)\]\]/gi, "{{C|$1|$2}}");
const rawRemoved = content;
content = content.replace(/({{C\|en)(\|.*?)}}(?:\n\1(\|.*?)}})?(?:\n\1(\|.*?)}})?(?:\n\1(\|.*?)}})?/gi, "$1$2$3$4$5}}");
CleanupButtons.addSummary(oldContent !== rawRemoved, "templatise raw topic cat links");
CleanupButtons.addSummary(rawRemoved !== content, "topic cat cleanup");
return content;
const buttons = new CleanupButtons();
for ( const buttonInfo of cleanupFunctions )
if (CleanupButtons.evaluateConditions(buttonInfo.condition, buttonInfo.textBoxIncludes))
// </nowiki>