(Redirected from User:Fish bowl/zhDialMap.js)
Note: You may have to bypass your browser’s cache to see the changes. In addition, after saving a sitewide CSS file such as MediaWiki:Common.css, it will take 5-10 minutes before the changes take effect, even if you clear your cache.
- Mozilla / Firefox / Safari: hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (Command-R on a Macintosh);
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- This gadget script lacks a documentation subpage. Please create it.
- This script is a part of the
gadget (edit definitions)- Description (edit): Add interactivity to Chinese dialectal maps on by default
- Other parts: zhDialMap.css
- Useful links: subpage list • links • redirects • transclusions
// Chinese dialectal maps, part of gadget zhDialMap
// designed by [[User:Suzukaze-c]], originally posted at User:Suzukaze-c/zhDialMap.js
// discussion: [[Module talk:User:Suzukaze-c/zh-dial-map]]
// ideas:
// * group locations in the popup by lect
'use strict';
var classes = {
dotHover: 'zh-dial-map__dot--hover',
dotSuperHover: 'zh-dial-map__dot--superHover',
legendRowHover: 'zh-dial-map__legend-row--hover',
var groupZH = {
'Mandarin': '官話',
'Northeastern Mandarin': '東北官話',
'Jilu Mandarin': '冀魯官話',
'Jiaoliao Mandarin': '膠遼官話',
'Central Plains Mandarin': '中原官話',
'Lanyin Mandarin': '蘭銀官話',
'Southwestern Mandarin': '西南官話',
'Jianghuai Mandarin': '江淮官話',
'Cantonese': '粵語',
'Hakka': '客家話',
'Huizhou': '徽語',
'Gan': '贛語',
'Jin': '晉語',
'Jiuxing Yumin': '九姓漁民方言',
'Northern Min': '閩北語',
'Eastern Min': '閩東語',
'Southern Min': '閩南語',
'Puxian Min': '莆仙閩語',
'Zhongshan Min': '中山閩語',
'Central Min': '閩中語',
'Shaojiang Min': '邵將閩語',
'Southern Pinghua': '桂南平話',
'Northern Pinghua': '桂北平話',
'Shehua': '畬話',
'Waxiang': '瓦鄉話',
'Wu': '吳語',
'Xiang': '湘語',
'Xiangnan Tuhua': '湘南土話',
'Yuebei Tuhua': '粵北土話',
function zh(data) {
var element;
if (data.type == 'lang') {
element = $('<span>');
} else if (data.type == 'link') {
element = $('<a>').attr('href', '/wiki/' + data.word + '#Chinese');
element.addClass('Hani').attr('lang', 'zh').text(data.alt ? data.alt : data.word);
if ( element.addClass('new');
return element;
function updateGroupSelection() {
var groupSelectionStyle = $("style.zh-dial-map__groupSelectionStyle");
var groupInputChecked = $("input.zh-dial-map__groupItem:checked");
var checkedGroups = [];
for (var i = 0; i < groupInputChecked.length; i++) {
if (checkedGroups.length === 0) {
} else {
var checkedGroupsNotSelector = '';
for (var i = 0; i < checkedGroups.length; i++) {
checkedGroupsNotSelector += ':not([data-group="' + checkedGroups[i] + '"])'
groupSelectionStyle.text('.zh-dial-map__dot' + checkedGroupsNotSelector + ' { display: none; }');
function main() {
var dots;
var redLinks = {}; // Record which pages don't exist (for the "other terms" popup links)
var wordLocations = {}; // Initialize object that will contain locations for each dialectal word. Cache instead of regenerating all the time
var otherTerms = [];
var activePopup;
var popups = [];
var mapImg = $('.zh-dial-map__map img');
// take original pixel dimensions from the image
// and give them to the image and the container holding the image
$('.zh-dial-map__map, .zh-dial-map__map img')
.css('width', mapImg.attr('width') + 'em')
.css('height', mapImg.attr('height') + 'em')
// <s>change image source to svg</s>
// and remove dimension attributes
.attr('src', function(index, attr) {
return attr.replace('1200px', '2400px');
.attr('src', function(index, attr) {
return attr.replace('thumb/', '').replace(/(svg).+/, '$1')
var inputContainer = $('<span>');
var zoomContainer = $('<span>');
var zoomController = $('<input>');
.attr('type', 'range')
.attr('min', 0.1)
.attr('max', 4)
.attr('step', 0.1)
.val(1) // default zoom at 100%
.on("change", function() {
$('.zh-dial-map__map').css("font-size", $(this).val() + "px");
var groupSelectionContainer = $('<span>');
var groupSelectionStyle = $("<style>");
for (var group in groupZH) {
var groupItem = $('<input>');
var groupLabel = $('<label>');
var id = 'zh-dial-map__groupItem--' + group.replace(' ', '-');
.attr('type', 'checkbox')
.attr('id', id)
.attr('name', 'zh-dial-map__groupItem')
.attr('data-group', group)
.on("change", updateGroupSelection)
.attr('for', id)
$('.zh-dial-map__legend-row').on("touchstart mouseenter",
function() {
var word = $(this).data('word'); // Get the dialectal word for the active legend row
var isOther = (word == 'other'); // Is our row the "other terms" row?
if (isOther) {
dots = $('.zh-dial-map__dot-other'); // Get all grey dots
} else {
dots = $('.zh-dial-map__dot[data-word=' + word + ']'); // Get every dot corresponding to our word
$(this).addClass(classes.legendRowHover); // Add hovered class to the legend row
dots.addClass(classes.dotHover); // Add hovered class to every corresponding dot
if (! wordLocations[word]) {
wordLocations[word] = [];
function(index) {
var location = [$(this).data('location-en'), $(this).data('location-zh'), $(this).data('group')]; // Get location of dot
if (isOther) {
var otherWord = $(this).data('word'); // For "other terms", collect the terms too
if (! redLinks[otherWord]) redLinks[otherWord] = $(this).parent().hasClass('new');
//console.log(otherWord, redLinks[otherWord]);
//console.log(word, wordLocations[word]);
//if (isOther) { console.log(otherTerms) };
if (! popups[word]) {
var locationsList = $('<ul>').addClass('zh-dial-map__legend-row-locations'); // Popup contents
$.each(wordLocations[word], function(index, value) { // Do stuff related to each location recorded for this word
if (isOther) word = otherTerms[index];
var locationEn = value[0], locationZh = value[1], group = value[2];
var listItem = $('<li>');
listItem.append(zh({type: 'lang', word: locationZh + groupZH[group]})).append(' (' + locationEn + ' ' + group + ')'); // FIXME: this feels really hacky
if (isOther) listItem.append(': ').append(zh({type: 'link', word: otherTerms[index], red: redLinks[word]})); // FIXME: this too
var locationDot = $('[data-location-zh=' + locationZh + '][data-word=' + word + ']'); // Find the dot for this word at this location
//console.log('[data-location-zh=' + locationZh + '][data-word=' + word + ']', locationDot);
function() {
function() {
popups[word] = new OO.ui.PopupWidget({
$content: locationsList,
$container: $('.zh-dial-map__container'),
$(this).append(popups[word].$element); // Add cool popup to DOM
popups[word].toggle(true); // Make the popup visible
activePopup = popups[word];
$('.zh-dial-map__legend-row').on("touchend mouseleave",
function() {
$(this).removeClass(classes.legendRowHover); // Remove hovered class from legend row
dots.removeClass(classes.dotHover); // Remove hovered class from every dot that corresponds to that word
activePopup.toggle(false); // Hide popup
if ($('.zh-dial-map__map').length) {