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/* jshint eqeqeq: true, esversion: 5, undef: true, unused: true */
/* globals $, mw */

(function sidebarIIFE() {
"use strict";

function modifySidebar() {
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	function portlet(toolbarId, url, text, tooltip) {
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				+ text.toLowerCase().replace(/\W+/g, ""),
			canonicalNamespace === "Category"
				? { target: pageName.replace(/_/g, " ") }
				: null),
		"CategoryTree", "See category contents as a tree structure");
	// Show "pages linked from" if namespace is "Category", else "pages linking to".
		mw.util.getUrl("Special:RecentChangesLinked", {
			target: pageName, showlinkedto: Number(canonicalNamespace !== "Category"),
		"Related changes", "A list of changes on pages related to this one");
	if (canonicalNamespace !== "Special") {
		portlet("p-navigation", mw.util.getUrl(
				"Special:PrefixIndex/" + pageName + "/", { stripprefix: 1 }),
			"Subpages", "List of subpages of this page");
		var compareWith = portlet("p-tb", "", "Compare with",
			"Compare the wikitext of this page with another");
		var titleInputWidget;
		$(compareWith).click(function () {
			mw.loader.using("mediawiki.widgets", function () {
				if (!titleInputWidget) {
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					window.titleInputWidget = titleInputWidget;
					var enterKey = 0x0D;
					titleInputWidget.$element.keydown(function (event) {
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						location.href = mw.util.getUrl(
							{ page1: pageName, page2: input });
						return false;
			return false;
		// new mw.Api().get({ action: 'opensearch', search: 'Mediawiki:gadget-' }).then((data) => console.log(data))

mw.loader.using("mediawiki.util", function () {
