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  • French: affouche, lafouche (used especially on Maurice, Reunion): any of several native figs. Various forms exist due to confusion of l'affouche, la fouche, laf(f)ouche.
  • E. Jacob de Cordemoy, Flore de l'île de la Réunion (phanérogames) cryptogames vasculaires (1895), identifies several species: F. rubra Vahl., Enum., II, 191. F. pyrifolia Lam. (Vulg. Affouche rouge.); F. lucens Cordem. (vulg. Grand Affouche.); F. cinerea Cordem. (vulg. Affouche blanc.); F. terebrata W., Sp., Pl. IV, 1145. F. pertusa bory, Voy., I, 353, tab.-XVII. (Vulg. Affouche bâtard.)
  • Marc Rivière, Les plantes médicinales à l' Île de la Réunion: Homonymes (2007): Les affouches sont des ficus, sans aucun doute ! Mais tous les ficus ne sont pas des affouches. D'où vient le mot affouche ? Pas du malgache sûrement !
  • Annegret Bollée, Dictionnaire étymologique des créoles français de l'Océan Indien, lemmatizes "afus (lafus, lafurs, zafus)" and mentions (without reproducing) examples from Reunion of affouche (1672), affourche and fourche (1712), and afouge, as well as the Ficus species affouche bâtard, affouche blanc, grand affouche, and affouche rouge, as well as afus, lafus (lafus malbar, lafus malgas), and zafus (zafus blã, grã zafus, zafus ruz); and examples from Maurice of (la) fouche vers (1755), (la) fouche bâtard, afouche rouge (1864), as well as lafurs, lafus. Also: "rod. lafurs [...]; sey. lafus."
  • asa Pare words (see also RFM): ikinda "banana tree", mshambi "tail of a sheep". Iraqw words: lee'i "goat". Zigua: guluka "run (verb)", gamba "talk (verb)", kala "hunt (verb)" (also with prefix, see RFM). Alagwa and Burunge: gimba "talk (verb)". Dahalo: girigiri "fast".
misc racist/racial terms:
zambis, quatravis, tresalvis, coyotes, saltatras, albarassados, cambusos,
  • 1837, Julien Joseph VIREY, J. H. GUENEBAULT, Natural history of the Negro Race. Extracted from the French [i.e. from the “Histoire naturelle du genre humain”], by J. H. Guenebault, page 117:
    A Griffe and a Zambi produce a Giveros. A Mulatto and a Zambaigi produce a Cambujo. In this second division of the third class the offspring [...] take at least of seven or eight kinds of blood, and as these complications are multiplied, all the  ...
  • 2013, Jon M. Mikkelsen, Kant and the Concept of Race: Late Eighteenth-Century Writings, SUNY Press (→ISBN), page 207:
    much darker, or blacker, than <that of> the mulatto. ... is the son of a mulatto woman and a Cambujo male; a Cambujo is the son of a mulatto woman and a Zambaigo male; and, finally, <a> Zambaigo is the son of a Zambi and an American.
  • 1894, Joseph Elias Hayne, The Black Man: Or, The Natural History of the Hametic Race, page 31:
    Griffes, or Cabres, are the outcome of the union between a black Hainite and a mulatto woman. Zambaigi is the product arising from coition between a Carribean and a Zambi. Where the offspring of a Mestizo and a native American is the result  ...
  • 1837, Julien-Joseph Virey, Natural History of the Negro Race, page 116:
    With an American mestize , a white produces a Quatralvi or castisse . A negro and a mulatto woman produce Griffes or Cabres . A Carribean and a Zambi produce Zambaigi . The offspring of a Mestize and a native American is called Tresalve .
  • 1819, Abraham Rees, The Cyclopaedia; Or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature
    ... produce a Saltatra ; an European and Castisso , a which an individual occupies in society . When a common Postifio ; an European and American Quarteron of the fe . man disputes with one of his superiors , he is frequently cond generation ...
  • 1809, William Nicholson, The British Encyclopedia: Or, Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Comprising an Accurate and Popular View of the Present Improved State of Human Knowledge
    A Mulatto and Terceron produce a Saltatra ; an European and Castisso, a Postisso; an European and American Quarteron, an Octavon. Some carry the genealogy of these hybrid races into the fourth generation, calling the children of  ...
  • 1775, Richard Twiss, Travels Through Portugal and Spain in 1772 and 1773, page 333:
    From a Cambujo and a Mulata, an Albarassado. 15. From an Albarassado and a Mulata, a Barzino. 16. From a Barzino and a Mulata, the issue is a Negro with smooth hair. - This remarkable circumstance of the children of almost white parents, ...
  1. holjba, German Halbe; possible quotation:
    • 1886, Rudolf Strohal, Hrvatskih narodnih pripoviedaka ..., page 117:
      [...] porcija jila i holjba vina. Potroši on se to i poberu [...] njega tanjiri i ta holjba i ne dobi on više nikaj.
  2. kafelefl, German Kaffeelöffel
  3. kafemil, Kaffeemühle
  4. kostšale, Kostschale
  5. krigla, krigl, kriglin, krigljin (see entries)
  6. nudlbret, nudlpret, Nudelbrett, Nudelprett
  7. pajtmlin, (dialectal counterpart of?) Beutelmehl / Mühle
  8. piksa / piksla, Büchse, Austrain Büchsel
  9. platna, Platte, Herdplatte
  10. rajngla, Austrian Reine
  11. ribež, Reibeisen
  12. ringla, Ringl (Herdring)
  13. sajtlik, Seidelglas, Seitel
  14. supntopf, zupntopf, Suppentopf
  15. šerfa = šeflja, Schöpflöffel
  16. šola = šolja, Schale
  17. špajservis, Speiseservice
see other linked terms:
  • Maria Teresa Espinal i Farré, Diccionari de sinònims de frases fetes (2004, →ISBN), page 931
    de color de gos com fuig SP, de color indefinit / (d'un) color indefinit, brut, especialment propi de les peces de roba que per l'ús o amb el temps han perdut el color original (R-M, EC)
    Duia un vestit usat i lluent de colzes, de color do gos com fuig, que abans devia haver estat gris (També s'usa amb la forma de color de gos quan fuig) (R-M)
    de color d'ala de mosca (p.ext.), de color de catxumbo (p.ext.), de color de merda d'oca (p.ext.)
  • Max Wheeler, ‎Alan Yates, ‎Nicolau Dols, Catalan: A Comprehensive Grammar (2002, →ISBN), page 84:
    ... verd poma 'apple green', groc cadmi 'cadmium yellow', merda d'oca 'dirty beige' (lit. goose shit), ala de mosca 'greyish' (lit. fly's wing), color de gos com fuig 'indeterminate dark colour' (lit. dog fleeing). These adjectives by conversion, simple and compound, sometimes introduced by explanatory color (de), are invariable in gender and number, thus: un gelat rosa 'a pink ice cream', unes cortines verd poma / unes cortines color (de) verd poma 'apple green curtains'.
cf xuta, llampuga

Another source mentions color d'ala de corb, but really? That doesn't mean "black"?

  • Molly Goodkind, ‎Marcella Hayes and Amanda Mitchell, Spanish Civil War and Its Memory (2015, →ISBN), page 66:
    Practically everyone wore rough working-class clothes, or blue overalls or some variant of the militia uniform. But after the Spanish Civil War ended in disaster for the Second Spanish Republic in 1939, fascist-controlled Barcelona was stripped of its rebel bohemian identity, transformed from the black-and-red city into the city “color de gos com fuig” (the color of a dog running away) a drab no-color.
  • Robert Hughes, The Spectacle of Skill: New and Selected Writings of Robert Hughes (2016, →ISBN):
    One strikingly poetic Catalan phrase evokes the drabness of Barcelona twenty-five years ago: color de gos com fuig, the color of a dog running away—that is, no color, indeterminacy, mud, yet with something unquestionably there.
Units of measure
list generated from Wikipedias and machine translations, useful but must be checked
  1. Abas, abas
  2. Abucchi, abucchi
  3. Abzug, deduction
  4. Acaena, acaena
  5. Acetabulum, acetabulum
  6. Achterli, aft
  7. Achtring, eight ring
  8. Acino, acino
  9. Acker, field
  10. Adarme, adarme
  11. Addix, addix
  12. Aderma, aderma
  13. Adoucu, adoucu
  14. Adowlie, adowlie
  15. Ady, ady
  16. Aepfeltonne, Äpfeltonne (Tonne, tonne, ton), apple ton, apple ton (ton, ton, ton)
  17. Agarasaulay, agarasaulay
  18. Agastera, agastera
  19. Agatsch, agache
  20. Agito, agito
  21. Akid, akid
  22. Akó, ako
  23. Alcolla, alcolla
  24. Alma, alma
  25. Almane, almane
  26. Almenn turma : Almenn, almenn, Turma, turma, almenn turma : almenn, almenn, turma, turma
  27. Almuda, almuda
  28. Alqueire, alqueire
  29. Amahe, amahe
  30. Ammersaat, bunting seed
  31. Amole, amole
  32. Amomam, amomam
  33. Amphora, amphora
  34. Amtsbodenachtel (Amtsboden, Achtel, achtel), amtsbodenachtel (amtsboden, eighth, eighth)
  35. Anati, anati
  36. Anegras, anegrass
  37. Angoolam, angolam
  38. Angulla, angulla
  39. Anthal, anthal
  40. Antorferpfund (Pfund, pfund), antorferpound (pound, pound)
  41. Anukabiet, anukabiet
  42. Anzing, number
  43. Apatan, apatan
  44. Aporrhymas, aporrhymas
  45. Aranzada, aranzada
  46. Arbage, arbage
  47. Ardame, ardame
  48. Argenso, argenso
  49. Arich, arich
  50. Armina, armina
  51. Arpa, arpa
  52. Arpent, arpent
  53. Arratel, arrears
  54. Arroba, arroba
  55. Arrobeta, arrobeta
  56. Arschin. Arschine, arshin. arschine
  57. Arsin. Arşın, arsine. :arşın
  58. Arsolah, arsolah
  59. Artaba, Artabad, Artabe, artaba, artabad, artabe
  60. Artilleriefuß, artillery foot
  61. Arura, Arure, arura, arure
  62. As, ace
  63. Aschentonne : ^
  64. Asnée, asnee
  65. Assay ton : assay ton, ton
  66. At (Altes Ägypten), at
  67. Atomo, atomic
  68. Attisches Talent : Talent, talent
  69. Aune, aune
  70. Aureo, aureo
  71. Ava, ava
  72. Avanom, avanom
  73. Azumbre, azure
  74. Baat, bat
  75. Bachel, bachel
  76. Bacile, bacile
  77. Baciletta, baciletta
  78. Bacino, bacino
  79. Bago, bago
  80. Bahār, bahar
  81. Bahram, bahram
  82. Bahu, baho
  83. Baille, bail
  84. Bak, bake
  85. Balance, balance
  86. Balg, bellows
  87. Balita, balita
  88. Balje, balje
  89. Ballot, ballot
  90. Bamboo, bamboo
  91. Band, tape
  92. Bandfass, tape barrel
  93. Baniță, banita
  94. Bāqilā, baqila
  95. Baral, baral
  96. Barill, barill
  97. Barilon, barilon
  98. Barony, barony
  99. Barra, barra
  100. Barräle, barrels
  101. Barralon, barralon
  102. Barre, bars
  103. Barrel, barrels
  104. Barrique, barrique
  105. Barsella, barsella
  106. Baruth, baruth
  107. Baryd, baryd
  108. Bassa, bassa
  109. Batman, batman
  110. Bättell, ball
  111. Bau, building
  112. Bauche, belly
  113. Bauernklafter, farmer fathoms
  114. Baumölmaß, tree oil measure
  115. Bazendingle, bazendingle
  116. Bazini, bazini
  117. Bazzillo, bazzillo
  118. Beak, beak
  119. Becher, a cup
  120. Becherée, becherée
  121. Becherlein, mug
  122. Beck, beck
  123. Beczka, beczka
  124. Bedre, bedre
  125. Beitzen, pickling
  126. Bema, bema
  127. Bener, bener
  128. Beneta, beneta
  129. Bergeimer, mountain bucket
  130. Bergelle, bergelle
  131. Bergkübel, mountain bucket
  132. Bergscheffel, bergscheffel
  133. Berkowitz, berkowitz
  134. Berner Elle : Elle, elle, ell, Bernese elle
  135. Berner Schuh : Schuh, schuh, shoe, Bernese shoe
  136. Berri, berry
  137. Beru (Mesopotamien), beru
  138. Bes, esp
  139. Beson, special
  140. Bicchieri, bicchieri
  141. Bicchiero, bicchiero
  142. Bidon, bidon
  143. Biega, bending
  144. Bierlast, beer load
  145. Bieröhmchen, beer mug
  146. Biertonne, beer barrel
  147. Bigga, bigga
  148. Bigha, bigha
  149. Bigoncia, bigoncia
  150. Bildhauerfuß, sculptor's foot
  151. Biljuk, bilyuk
  152. Billet, ticket
  153. Bind, binding
  154. Binde, bandage
  155. Binh, binh
  156. Biolca, biolca
  157. Bis, until
  158. Bisacca, bisacca
  159. Bischof, bishop
  160. Bitic, bitic
  161. Bitschart, bitchart
  162. Blank, blank
  163. Bloss, just
  164. Bocale, bocale
  165. Böcklein, kid
  166. Boġča, boġča
  167. Böhmischer Strich : Strich, bohemian dash : dash
  168. Boisseau, boisseau
  169. Boisselée, boisselee
  170. Bole, bole
  171. Borrel, borrel
  172. Bosse, Bosses, bosses, :bosses
  173. Bota, bota
  174. Botschka, bochka
  175. Botte, boat
  176. Boucaut, boucaut
  177. Boujaron, boujaron
  178. Bouteille, bouteille
  179. Bozia, bozia
  180. Bozza, Bozze, bozza, :bozza
  181. Braça, braca
  182. Braccio da Panno : Braccio, braccio, braccio da panno : braccio, braccio
  183. Braccio da Terra, braccio da terra
  184. Braccio, braccio
  185. Brande, fire
  186. Brasse, bream
  187. Bratze, bratze
  188. Brau, brew
  189. Braunschweiger Elle : ^, Brunswick ell
  190. Brautonne : ^, bridal sun : ^
  191. Braza real : Braza, braza, braza real : braza, braza
  192. Brazádo, brazado
  193. Brazzetto, brazzetto
  194. Bremer Last : Last, last, bremen last: last, last
  195. Brenta (Hohlmaß), brenta
  196. Brento, brento
  197. Brief, letter
  198. Browoz, browoz
  199. Bu, bu
  200. Bubblo, bubblo
  201. Bucher, books
  202. Bucizza, bucizza
  203. Buey, buyy
  204. Bugday, bugday
  205. Buncal, buncal
  206. Bund, federation
  207. Bunder, covenant
  208. Bur, bur
  209. Burchio, burchio
  210. Bürtel, belt
  211. Buschau, buchau
  212. Büschel, tuft
  213. Bushel, bushel
  214. Bussard, buzzard
  215. Busuck, busuck
  216. Butcher’s stone : butcher's stone, stone, butcher's stone : butcher's stone, stone
  217. Butt, butt
  218. Bütte, butt
  219. Buttima, buttima
  220. Butylka, butyl cap
  221. Cabal, cabal
  222. Caballería, caballeria
  223. Caban, caban
  224. Cabida, cabida
  225. Cadame, cadame
  226. Cade, cade
  227. Caderno, caderno
  228. Cado, cado
  229. Cafisse, cafe
  230. Cafla, cafla
  231. Cagliaria, cagliaria
  232. Cahis, cahis
  233. Cahíz, cahiz
  234. Cahizada, cahizada
  235. Calanchi, calanchi
  236. Calemin, calemin
  237. Calow, calow
  238. Calpo, calpo
  239. Camaco, camaco
  240. Cambetta, cambetta
  241. Cameral-Fuß : cameral, foot, cameral foot : cameral, foot
  242. Campo, campo
  243. Canada, canada
  244. Canado, canada
  245. Canam, canam
  246. Canata, canata
  247. Candaca, candaca
  248. Cando, cando
  249. Candy, candy
  250. Canhador, canhador
  251. Cani, cani
  252. Canna, canna
  253. Cannate, cannate
  254. Cannella, cannella
  255. Cantarello, cantarello
  256. Cantaro, cantaro
  257. Cape foot, cape foot
  258. Capicha, capicha
  259. Caque, cup
  260. Cara, cara
  261. Caractere, character
  262. Carara, carara
  263. Carato, carato
  264. Carboy, carboy
  265. Carica, Carico, carica, :carico
  266. Carival, carnival
  267. Carobe, carobe
  268. Carozzo, carozzo
  269. Carrata, carrata
  270. Carré, carre
  271. Carreau, carreau
  272. Carretado, carretado
  273. Carro, carro
  274. Carse, carse
  275. Carte, carte
  276. Carterée, carterée
  277. Carteyrade, carteyrade
  278. Carucata, carucata
  279. Cass, cass
  280. Casseler Acker : Acker, acker, casseler field: field, field
  281. Cassico, cassico
  282. Castellano, castellano
  283. Castilianische Mark : Mark, mark, castilian mark : mark, mark
  284. Catena, catena
  285. Cavalleria, cavalry
  286. Cavan, cavan
  287. Cavary, cavary
  288. Cavesco, cavesco
  289. Cavezzo, cavezzo
  290. Cavot, cavot
  291. Cawney, cawney
  292. Celemino, celemino
  293. Cent, cent
  294. Centaß, centass
  295. Centnar, centnar
  296. Cesto, cesto
  297. Chain, chain
  298. Chaldron, chaldrone
  299. Chandoo, chandoo
  300. Char, char
  301. Charac, character
  302. Charge, batch
  303. Charrūba, charruba
  304. Charwār, charwar
  305. Chast, chase
  306. Chattak, chattak
  307. Chattauck, chattauck
  308. Chaupine, chaupine
  309. Chebbo, chebo
  310. Chebel, chevel
  311. Cheky, cheky
  312. Cheme, chemistry
  313. Chenica, chenica
  314. Cheshire-Pole, cheshire pole
  315. Chest, chest
  316. Chet (Altes Ägypten) : chet, chet (ancient egypt): chet
  317. Chi, chi
  318. Chila, chila
  319. Chinanta, chinanta
  320. Choadony, choadony
  321. Chönix, chonix
  322. Chopine, chopine
  323. Chor, choir
  324. Chouto, chouto
  325. Chow, chow
  326. Chupa, chupa
  327. Chus, chus
  328. Ciesky, ciesky
  329. Cifk, cifk
  330. Circular mil, circular mil
  331. Civadier, civadian
  332. Clam, clam
  333. Clima, climate
  334. Clocane, clocans
  335. Clove, clove
  336. Coccia, Coccio, coccia, : coccio
  337. Codo, code
  338. Coffino, coffee
  339. Cogno, cogno
  340. Cohi, cohi
  341. Cole, cole
  342. Côle, cole
  343. Collothun, collothun
  344. Colo, colo
  345. Coltra, coltra
  346. Coltre, coltre
  347. Conjon, conjon
  348. Conque, conque
  349. Conzo, conzo
  350. Coom, coom
  351. Copa, copa
  352. Copello, copello
  353. Copet, copet
  354. Coppa, coppa
  355. Coppo, coppo
  356. Cor, cor
  357. Corba, corba
  358. Cord, cord
  359. Corda, corda
  360. Corde, corde
  361. Cordel, cordel
  362. Cornickel, cornickel
  363. Cortane, cortane
  364. Cortarine, cortarine
  365. Cortsch, corch
  366. Costal, costal
  367. Cotta, cotta
  368. Coudée, coudee
  369. Coupang, coupang
  370. Coupé, coupe
  371. Couque, couque
  372. Courosame, courosame
  373. Crad, cradle
  374. Cran, cran
  375. Crat, crate
  376. Crazia, crazia
  377. Criadero, criadero
  378. Crivello, crivello
  379. Cseber, cseber
  380. Cuartera, cuartera
  381. Cuarterada, cuarterada
  382. Cuarteron, cuarteron
  383. Cuartillo, cuartillo
  384. Cuartin, cuartin
  385. Cubit, cubit
  386. Cucchiaro, cucchiaro
  387. Cuillier, cuillier
  388. Culah, culah
  389. Culleus, culleus
  390. Cullishigay, cullishigay
  391. Cumbo, cumbo
  392. Cun, cun
  393. Cup, cup
  394. Cupo, cupo
  395. Cusl, cusl
  396. Custodie, custody
  397. Cuttlo, cuttlo
  398. Ćwierć, Ćwierć
  399. Czarka, czarka
  400. Dadix, dadix
  401. Dagwand, day wall
  402. Dain, therein
  403. Dam, dam
  404. Dammer, dam
  405. Dan, dan
  406. Danda, danda
  407. Dāng, dang
  408. Dāniq, dāniq
  409. Danna (Mesopotamien), danna
  410. Darchini, darchini
  411. Daribba, daribba
  412. Dartu, dartu
  413. Däst, diet
  414. Daumelle, thumbell
  415. Deben, debits
  416. Decher, decker
  417. Decimal, decimal
  418. Decimo, decimo
  419. Decina, decina
  420. Dedo, dedo
  421. Deget pătrat, deget patrat
  422. Deichgräberrute : Rute, rute, dyke digger's rod : rod, rod
  423. Deichkabel, levee cable
  424. Dekade, decade
  425. Dekas, decas
  426. Delnitá, delnita
  427. Demijohn, demijohn
  428. Demirlä, demirlä
  429. Denaro, denaro
  430. Denk, think
  431. Deppo, jerk
  432. Deral, derals
  433. Derali, derali
  434. Desjaterik, desjaterik
  435. Dessjatine, dessiatine
  436. Destre, destre
  437. Dezimal, decimal
  438. Dhirāʿ, dhiraʿ
  439. Dhrá, dhra
  440. Dichas, dichas
  441. Dicotilo, dicotillo
  442. Diemat, diemat
  443. Diethaufe, dietaufe
  444. Dimerli, dimerli
  445. Dipoh, dipoh
  446. Dito, dito
  447. Dizean, dicean
  448. Djeba, djeba
  449. Djong, djong
  450. Doba, doba
  451. Doit, doit
  452. Dolichos (Lauf), dolichos
  453. Dolja, dolya
  454. Domin, domin
  455. Dong, dong
  456. Doon, doon
  457. Doopke, doopke
  458. Doppelhundert, double hundred
  459. Doppelmäß, double measure
  460. Douillard, douillard
  461. Dowang, dowang
  462. Dozovo, dozovo
  463. Drachma, drachma
  464. Drag, drag
  465. Dramur, drama
  466. Dreiling, three of a kind
  467. Dreilingsmetze, triple massacres
  468. Dreißiger, thirties
  469. Dresdner Kanne : Kanne, kanne, dresdner kanne: kanne, kanne
  470. Drilling, triplets
  471. Drohn, drone
  472. Drömt, drone
  473. Drop, drop
  474. Dscharīb, jarīb
  475. Dschirib, jirib
  476. Dschömba, djemba
  477. Dschou, dschou
  478. Duella, duel
  479. Dumplachter, dumbass
  480. Dunam, dunam
  481. Düong, duong
  482. Écheveau, echeveau
  483. Ecklein, little corner
  484. Eichmaß, gauge
  485. Eighth, eight
  486. Eimerlein, little bucket
  487. Einfall, incidence
  488. Elwand, elwand
  489. Emene, emene
  490. Emero, emero
  491. Emina, emina
  492. Émine, emine
  493. Empan, empan
  494. Endasch, final ash
  495. Engjateigur, engjateigur
  496. English Ell : English ell, ell, english ell : english ell, ell
  497. Engster, closest
  498. Eprouvette, eprovette
  499. Erdochs, ground ox
  500. Erdrute, ground rod
  501. Erlauer Faß : Faß, erlauer fass: barrel
  502. Erzmaß, ore measure
  503. Esca, esca
  504. Escandeau, escandeau
  505. Eschen, ash trees
  506. Essain, essain
  507. Essertin, eater
  508. Estadale, estadale
  509. Estádio, estadio
  510. Estado, state
  511. Estelin, estelin
  512. Esterling, esterling
  513. Etto, etto
  514. Etzba, etzba
  515. Eultschek, eultchek
  516. Evlek, evlek
  517. Exeque, executive
  518. Faden (Garnmaß), thread
  519. Faggot, fagot
  520. Fahn, flag
  521. Fahrt, journey
  522. Falchom, falkhom
  523. Fall, case
  524. Fammar, family
  525. Famn, family
  526. Fandel, fandel
  527. Fanega, fanega
  528. Fanoe, fanoe
  529. Faranzala, faranzala
  530. Fardingdeal, farding deal
  531. Fardo, fardo
  532. Fargot, fargot
  533. Fasch, fake
  534. Fass (Trier), barrel
  535. Fässchen, keg
  536. Fastsaat, fast seed
  537. Fauchée, fauchee
  538. Fauches, hissing
  539. Faust, fist
  540. Faux, faux
  541. Feddan, feddan
  542. Feldacker und Waldacker, field fields and forest fields
  543. Felin, felin
  544. Fen, feet
  545. Feralin, feralin
  546. Ferfaðmur, ferfaðmur
  547. Ferfet, ferfet
  548. Ferlino, ferlino
  549. Fermíla, fermila
  550. Ferrado, ferrado
  551. Ferþumlungur, ferþumlungur
  552. Feuillette, features
  553. Fiasco, fiasco
  554. Fichelin, fichelin
  555. Firkin, fikin
  556. Fischel, fishel
  557. Fitze, fizz
  558. Flasche, bottle
  559. Foglietta, foglietta
  560. Footlambert, footlambert
  561. Fortin, fortin
  562. Fossorier, fossori
  563. Foster, foster
  564. Foudre, foudre
  565. Fraggele, fraggle
  566. Fraggerl, fraggerl
  567. Francart, francart
  568. Frangotillo, francotillo
  569. Frankenhauser Kanne, frankenhauser pot
  570. Frankfurter Stab : Stab, stab, staff, stave, frankfurter stab : stab, stab, staff, stave
  571. Frequin, frequin
  572. Frison, frison
  573. Frohngewicht, happy weight
  574. Fruchtgallon, fruit gallon
  575. Fudder, fudder
  576. Fuder, fuder
  577. Fuderstock, fuderstick
  578. Fülleimer, filling bucket
  579. Fünfviertel-Sihr : Sihr, sihr, five quarter sihr: sihr, sihr
  580. Funt, fun
  581. Funta, funta
  582. Furlong, furlong
  583. Futtermaßel, lining measure
  584. Gais, Gais
  585. Gaißla, Gaissla
  586. Galbe, galbe
  587. Gallone, gallon
  588. Galopin, gallop
  589. Galvai, Galvai
  590. Gam, game
  591. Gambetta, Gambetta
  592. Gang (Garnmaß), thread
  593. Gantan, Gantan
  594. Gantong, gantong
  595. Garave, Garave
  596. Garce, Garce
  597. Garnetz, garnet
  598. Garniec, garniec
  599. Garnitur, set
  600. Gaspe, Gaspe
  601. Gatzen, gazers
  602. Gavada, Gavada
  603. Gawot, Gavot
  604. Gazel, gazel
  605. Ge, ge
  606. Geailoge, Geailogue
  607. Geblätz, blared
  608. Geestmorgen, yesterday morning
  609. Geestrute, geest rod
  610. Geestscheffel, Geestscheffel
  611. Geira, geira
  612. Gelängeflur, dirt floor
  613. Gelte, apply
  614. Geme, Gem
  615. Gemind, community
  616. Gendumscho, Gendumscho
  617. Geplätze, spaces
  618. Gereh, due
  619. Gerle, Gerle
  620. Gerra, Gerra
  621. Gert, device
  622. Ges, total
  623. Gescheid, divorced
  624. Geschleif, grinding
  625. Getreideprob-Metzen, Grain sample butchers
  626. Gewende, turn
  627. Ghefeese, gheeese
  628. Gheria, Gheria
  629. Gheriah, Gheriah
  630. Gherrie, Gherrie
  631. Gherry, gherry
  632. Ghiral, Ghiral
  633. Giarre, guitar
  634. Gidda, Gidda
  635. Gilbert, Gilbert
  636. Gill, Gil
  637. Giornata, giornata
  638. Gira, Gira
  639. Girä, Gira
  640. Girära, Girara
  641. Girib, Girib
  642. Gitter, grid
  643. Glas, Glass
  644. Glasmaß, glass measure
  645. Gleit, sliding
  646. Glied, element
  647. Globen, globes
  648. , Go
  649. Gode, Gode
  650. Goelack, Goelack
  651. Gognale, Gognale
  652. Golsch, golsch
  653. Gon (Längenmaß), Gon
  654. Gönczer Faß, Gönczer barrel
  655. Göntscha, gonscha
  656. Gorraf, Gorraf
  657. Gos, Gos
  658. Gotto, Gotto
  659. Goue, goue
  660. Graber, digger
  661. Grad Bischoff, degree bischoff
  662. Granik (Gewichtsmaß), Granik
  663. Granotine, granotine
  664. Granottino, Granottino
  665. Granotto, grotto
  666. Gräpel, Graepel
  667. Gras, grass
  668. Graß, grass
  669. Graund, gray
  670. Grazer Viertel, Graz district
  671. Grefi, Grefi
  672. Griff (Garnmaß), grip
  673. Grista, grista
  674. Griwenka, hryvenka
  675. Grora, grandma
  676. Gros, gross
  677. Groß-Seitel, Großseitel, Seitel, Groß-pagel, :Großseitel, seitel
  678. Großkufe, large skid
  679. Guhn, guhn
  680. Guinon (Flächenmaß), Guinon
  681. Gunda, Gunda
  682. Gunschah, Gunshah
  683. Guz, good
  684. Guze, Guze
  685. Hacienda, hacienda
  686. Haidscheffel, haidscheffel
  687. Halbfass, half barrel
  688. Halibiu, halibiu
  689. Hamma, hamma
  690. Handelsmaß, commercial measure
  691. Handschuh, Glove
  692. Hani, hani
  693. Hank, hank
  694. Hannega, hannega
  695. Hao, hey
  696. Hardary, hardary
  697. Harra, hara
  698. Harsela, harsela
  699. Haspelknipp, reel snap
  700. Hath, hath
  701. Hatur, hatur
  702. Haufen, heap
  703. Havelboden, havelboden
  704. Havot, havot
  705. Heer, army
  706. Heft, notebook
  707. Hehlo, heh lo
  708. Hehloh, heh oh
  709. Heimbzen, heimbzen
  710. Helfchen, helper
  711. Hemmel, hemel
  712. Henkemann, henkeman
  713. Henu, henu
  714. Heqat, heqat
  715. Hesp, hesp
  716. Heuklafter, hay cords
  717. Himpten, himpten
  718. Hin, there
  719. Hindasah, hindasah
  720. Hintare, rear
  721. Hiro, hiro
  722. Hofzeile, courtyard row
  723. Hogshead, hogshead
  724. Hold, hold
  725. Hole, hole
  726. Holster, holster
  727. Holzklafter, wood cord
  728. Holzmäß, wood measure
  729. Holzstoß, pile of wood
  730. Hom, home
  731. Hommée, hommee
  732. Hoop, hoop
  733. Hose, trousers
  734. Hot, hot
  735. Hufenrute, hoof rod
  736. Hultaine, hultaine
  737. Hund, dog
  738. Hundesmühler Torfkorb : Torfkorb, Torf, torf, Korb, korb, hundesmühler peat basket : peat basket, peat, peat, basket, basket
  739. Hundredweight, hundredweight
  740. Hut, cap
  741. Hutte, hut
  742. Hüttenfuder, hüttenfuder
  743. Hüttenhundert, cottage hundred
  744. Hüttenkanne, cottage pot
  745. Hüttenkorb, cottage basket
  746. Hüttenkübel, cottage bucket
  747. Hüttentausend, cottage thousand
  748. Hüvelyk, huvelyk
  749. Hvat, hvat
  750. Iarda ionia, iarda ionia
  751. Icze, ice
  752. Imbuto, imbuto
  753. Imoja, imoja
  754. Ingistara, ingistara
  755. Innerberger Faß, innerberg barrel
  756. Invel, level
  757. Irdabb, irdabb
  758. Issaron, issaron
  759. Iteru, iteru
  760. Itur, itur
  761. Jacob, jacob
  762. Jalka, yalka
  763. Jalois, blinds
  764. Jarbe, jarbe
  765. Jarre, jarre
  766. Jetz, now
  767. Jidde, yidd
  768. Joch : joch, yoke, yoke : yoke, yoke
  769. Jod, iodine
  770. Jodschan, jojan
  771. Jornal, journal
  772. Journal, journal
  773. Journee, journee
  774. Juchart, juchart
  775. Juck (Flächenmaß), itch
  776. Judenmaß, jewish measure
  777. Jungfrur, virginity
  778. Juta, juta
  779. Jutte, jutte
  780. Kab, cab
  781. Kabel, cable
  782. Kabiet, cabinet
  783. Kad, cad
  784. Kadam, kadam
  785. Kadem, cadem
  786. Kahn, barge
  787. Kahun, kahun
  788. Kail, kai
  789. Kaila, kaila
  790. Kalk-Ballje, kalk-ballje
  791. Kalkmüthel, kalkmuthel
  792. Kama, kama
  793. Kameralschuh, camera shoe
  794. Kamień, kamień
  795. Kammer-Morgen, chamber morning
  796. Kammergutsklafter, kammergutsklafter
  797. Kan, can
  798. Kanan, kanan
  799. Kandil, candile
  800. Kanonenschussweite, gun range
  801. Kanta, canta
  802. Kante, edge
  803. Kantje, kantje
  804. Kantor, cantor
  805. Kanu, canoe
  806. Kanzleiformat, office format
  807. Kap, cape
  808. Kapanala, kapanala
  809. Kappar, kappar
  810. Karch, karch
  811. Kardele, kardele
  812. Karine, karine
  813. Karre, cart
  814. Karschetz, karschetz
  815. Kärtchen, card
  816. Kartos, cartons
  817. Kasab, kasab
  818. Kast, box
  819. Kasten, crate
  820. Katasterfuß, cadastral foot
  821. Katasterrute, cadastral route
  822. Katastraljoch, cadastral yoke
  823. Kätti, katti
  824. Käwä, kawa
  825. Keel, keel
  826. Keg, bowl
  827. Kélé, kele
  828. Ken, ken
  829. Kessel, boiler
  830. Kettenfuß, chain foot
  831. Ketvirtes, ketvirtes
  832. Keub, keub
  833. Kiepe, box
  834. Kila, kila
  835. Kiliare, kiliare
  836. Kilo, kilo
  837. Kinjon, kinjon
  838. Kiping, kiping
  839. Kippunta, kippunta
  840. Kiste, box
  841. Kite, kite
  842. Kjuli, kjuli
  843. Kleinmedian, small median
  844. Kleinroyal, small royal
  845. Klem, clamp
  846. Kleuder, sling
  847. Klipper, clipper
  848. Kłoda, kloda
  849. Klupper, klupper
  850. Kluppet, kluppet
  851. Knipp, snap
  852. Kobbit, kobbit
  853. Koda, coda
  854. Koffada, koffada
  855. Kohlenkorb, coal basket
  856. Kohlenmalter, coal painter
  857. Kohlensack, coal sack
  858. Kohlenstübich, coal room
    Korb, Malter, Sack, Stübich/Tübich, #: basket, malter, sack, stübich/tübich
  859. Koku, koku
  860. Kola, kola
  861. Kole, cole
  862. Konew, konev
  863. Königsberger Scheffel : Scheffel, scheffel, königsberger scheffel : scheffel, scheffel
  864. Königsgewicht, kingweight
  865. Kopf, head
  866. Köpfchen, brains
  867. Köpfel, heads
  868. Kopna, kopna
  869. Koppo, koppo
  870. Kornfaß, grain barrel
  871. Korzec, korzec
  872. Kosa, kosa
  873. Koß, koss
  874. Kost, fare
  875. Kot, feces
  876. Kouza, kouza
  877. Krämer-Elle, Kramer elle
  878. Kramergewicht, Kramer weight
  879. Kranz, wreath
  880. Kravele, kravele
  881. Kreuzscheffel, cross bushel
  882. Krippe, crib
  883. Kro, kro
  884. Kroes, kroes
  885. Krone, crown
  886. Kross, crispy
  887. Krötel, dumplings
  888. Krues, krues
  889. Krüppel, cripple
  890. Kruschka, kruschka
  891. Kubikfeldrute, cubic field rod
  892. Kubikingenieurrute, cubic engineer rod
  893. Kubiktoise, cubic toise
  894. Küchenmaß (Leipziger Volumenmaß), kitchen measure
  895. Kucke, look
  896. Kufe, skid
  897. Kuhl, cool
  898. Kuhweide, cow pasture
  899. Kula, kula
  900. Kulaç, kulaç
  901. Kulack, kulack
  902. Kulah, kulah
  903. Kuli, pen
  904. Kulmet, culmet
  905. Kumm, cum
  906. Kumme, crest
  907. Kummt, cums
  908. Kunke, kunke
  909. Küpfli, küpfli
  910. Kuplenik, kuplenik
  911. Kuritz, kuritz
  912. Kurr, curr
  913. Kursächsische Postmeile, kursächsisch, Postmeile, electoral saxon post mile, electoral saxon, post mile
  914. Kurwar, kurwar
  915. Kut, kut
  916. Kútur, culture
  917. Kwarta, kwarta
  918. Kwaterka, kwaterka
  919. Kweh, kweh
  920. Labor, laboratory
  921. Lädi, shops
  922. Ladre, loader
  923. Laep, lap
  924. Laib, loaf
  925. Lamyet, lamyet
  926. Lan, lan
  927. Lana, lana
  928. Land-Wüppe, land-wüppe
  929. Landfass, country barrel
  930. Langenthaler Elle, Langenthal ell
  931. Last, load
  932. Łaszt, laszt
  933. Latte, bar
  934. Laut, noisy
  935. Lavot, lavot
  936. Ławka, lawka
  937. Lea, leah
  938. Ledi, led
  939. Leengs, leengs
  940. Lega metrica, lega metrica
  941. Legana, legana
  942. Legge-Elle, leg-ell
  943. Leghe, leghe
  944. Legua, league
  945. Légua, league
  946. Lehen, fief
  947. Leinsaat-Tonne, linseed bin
  948. Lestall, lestall
  949. Li, li
  950. Libbra, libbra
  951. Libreta, libreta
  952. Liretta, liretta
  953. Lispfund, lipound
  954. Litron, liters
  955. Littre, little
  956. Livre Poids de table, livre poids de table
  957. Livre usuelle, livery usual
  958. Load, load
  959. Loán, loan
  960. Loch, hole
  961. Lofstelle, loft point
  962. Log, log
  963. Lögel, lion
  964. Loip, track
  965. Łokieć, Łokieć
  966. Lokot, locomotive
  967. Long, long
  968. Loof, loop
  969. Lopp, lop
  970. Lowry, lowry
  971. Loxa, loxa
  972. Lumini, lumini
  973. Lüong, luong
  974. Łut, loud
  975. Lütticher Fuß, liege foot
  976. Maal, mal
  977. Macque, macque
  978. Madschar, majar
  979. Magdeburger Maß, Magdeburg measure
  980. Maggio, maggio
  981. Mahl (Feldmaß), meal
  982. Maik, mike
  983. Maille, maille
  984. Main, main
  985. Maiß, corn
  986. Majon, mayon
  987. Makkūk, makkuk
  988. Mal’ackah, mal'ackah
  989. Malenka, malenka
  990. Mallal, mallal
  991. Malouah, malouah
  992. Malter, paint
  993. Malterbank, paint bench
  994. Maltersaat, paint seed
  995. Malterscheid, malterscheid
  996. Managoga, managoga
  997. Manchadi, manchadi
  998. Mandel (Garn), almond
  999. Mändelgewicht, almond weight
  1000. Mane, mane
  1001. Mann, man
  1002. Manne, man
  1003. Mannikah, manikah
  1004. Mannsgrab, man grave
  1005. Mannsmack, man mack
  1006. Mannsschnitz, man carving
  1007. Mannstuhl, man chair
  1008. Mano, mano
  1009. Manojita, manojita
  1010. Mansja, mansia
  1011. Maquia, maquia
  1012. March, march
  1013. Marco, marco
  1014. Margel, margel
  1015. Marhale, marshall
  1016. Markal, markal
  1017. Markka, markka
  1018. Marktscheffel, market bushel
  1019. Marktviertel, market district
  1020. Marque, brand
  1021. Marschrute, marching rod
  1022. Mäs, ms
  1023. Masha, masha
  1024. Mäß, measure
  1025. Mäßchen, measure
  1026. Mäßli, moderate
  1027. Mastello, mastello
  1028. Masu, masu
  1029. Matika, matika
  1030. Matrikularrute, matricular rod
  1031. Matt, frosted
  1032. Mau, mau
  1033. Mauerrute, wall rod
  1034. Mazzo, matzo
  1035. Mecmeda, mecmeda
  1036. Medara, medara
  1037. Media, media
  1038. Medimno, medimno
  1039. Medio, medium
  1040. Meen, meen
  1041. Meeß, meess
  1042. Meh, meh
  1043. Meitadella, meitadella
  1044. Mejo, mejo
  1045. Membrure, membrane
  1046. Memecda, memecda
  1047. Mensinalo, mensinalo
  1048. Merföld, merfold
  1049. Merte, merte
  1050. Meschok, meshok
  1051. Meß, meas
  1052. Meßle, messle
  1053. Mesure, measure
  1054. Mesurette, mesurette
  1055. Metadella, metadella
  1056. Meterzentner, hundredweight
  1057. Metretes, metretes
  1058. Mettar, mettar
  1059. Metze (Hohlmaß), butcher
  1060. Meuk, meuk
  1061. Mezzacanna, mezzacanna
  1062. Mezzarola, mezzarola
  1063. Mezzetta, mezzetta
  1064. Mezzino, mezzino
  1065. Mhörri, mhoerri
  1066. Miam, miam
  1067. Michetta, michetta
  1068. Migamuto, migamuto
  1069. Migliaro, migliaro
  1070. Miglio, miglio
  1071. Mil Tunsi, mil tunsi
  1072. Míla á landi, mila a landi
  1073. Mila, mila
  1074. Milchkanne, milk can
  1075. Mile, miles
  1076. Milha, miha
  1077. Milheiro, milheiro
  1078. Milimetr, millimeters
  1079. Millar, millar
  1080. Millerolle, mill roll
  1081. Millier, miller
  1082. Milwa, milwa
  1083. Mina, mine
  1084. Minale, minerals
  1085. Minde, at least
  1086. Mine (Volumeneinheit), mine
  1087. Minello, minello
  1088. Mingel, mingle
  1089. Minkel, minkel
  1090. Minot, minot
  1091. Minuto, minute
  1092. Mirka, mirka
  1093. Miro, miro
  1094. Mirze, mirza
  1095. Misura, misura
  1096. Mite, middle
  1097. Mithqāl, mithqal
  1098. Mitjeta, mitjeta
  1099. Mitlein, fellow
  1100. Mittmel, mean
  1101. Möckerchen, mockery
  1102. Modillo, modillo
  1103. Moeda, moeda
  1104. Moggia, Moggio, moggia, moggio
  1105. Moio, moio
  1106. Moja, moja
  1107. Mojah, mojah
  1108. Mokkapfund, mocha fund
  1109. Mokuk, mokuk
  1110. Molt, molt
  1111. Momme, mom
  1112. Mondello, mondello
  1113. Monkelzer, monkelzer
  1114. Monscha, monscha
  1115. Monton, monton
  1116. Moose, mosses
  1117. Mora, mora
  1118. Morah, morah
  1119. Morgow, morgov
  1120. Mostachi, mostachi
  1121. Mote, mote
  1122. Motika, motika
  1123. Mött, mot
  1124. Mötte, moth
  1125. Motureau, motoreau
  1126. Moule, moule
  1127. Mozetta, mozzetta
  1128. Mucil, mucil
  1129. Mucke, mosquito
  1130. Mujada, mujada
  1131. Mulde, trough
  1132. Müllermäßel, miller's knife
  1133. Mummenfass, mummy barrel
  1134. Murah, murah
  1135. Murais, murais
  1136. Musse, leisure
  1137. Musselinstab, muslin rod
  1138. Mustachio, mustachio
  1139. Mutchkin, mutchkin
  1140. Muth, courage
  1141. Mütt, mother
  1142. Müttle, muettle
  1143. Myria, myria
  1144. Nächterle, nocturnal
  1145. Nacti, nacti
  1146. Najiguré, najiguré
  1147. Nanque, nanque
  1148. Nanqui, nanqui
  1149. Napf, bowl
  1150. Naula, naula
  1151. Nelikko, nelikko
  1152. Nelikorn, nelikorn
  1153. Nelli, nelly
  1154. Nen, nope
  1155. Nengō, nengo
  1156. NER, Ner, ner (Mesopotamien), ner
  1157. Neuvaine, neuvaine
  1158. Ngu, ngu
  1159. Niederungarischer Eimer : Eimer, Lower Hungarian bucket : bucket
  1160. Nietro, nietro
  1161. Niou, niou
  1162. Nippur-Elle, nippur ell
  1163. Nir, nir
  1164. Nochud, nochud
  1165. Noeud, noeud
  1166. Norwegische Grenzmeile : Grenzmeile, Norwegian border mile : border mile
  1167. Nösel, nitpick
  1168. Nowtauk, nowtauk
  1169. Nuchut, nuchut
  1170. Nytur, nature
  1171. Obole, obole
  1172. Obrada, obrada
  1173. Occa, ok
  1174. Ochava, ochava
  1175. Ochavillo, ochavillo
  1176. Ödenburger Eimer, Ödenburg bucket
  1177. Odre, orre
  1178. Oel, oil
  1179. Oertchen, town
  1180. Ofener Metzen, Ofener metzen
  1181. Ofner Handelspfund : Handelspfund, Ofner trading pound : trading pound
  1182. Ohmkanne, ohm can
  1183. Oitava, oitava
  1184. Okaw, ok
  1185. Oke thapas, ok thapas
  1186. Okka, okka
  1187. Okruch, okruch
  1188. Ol, oil
  1189. Oldenburger Polizeimeile : Polizeimeile, oldenburg police mile: police mile
  1190. Olluck, olluck
  1191. Opera, opera
  1192. Oredish, oredish
  1193. Orena, orena
  1194. Orgyie, orgyy
  1195. Orna, orna
  1196. Ort, location
  1197. Orthodoron, orthodoron
  1198. Öseammer, Öseammer
  1199. Osmachka, osmachka
  1200. Osmina, osmina
  1201. Ottavo, ottavo
  1202. Ouv, ov
  1203. Ouvrier, ouvrier
  1204. Ovalo, ovalo
  1205. Oxhufoud, oxhufoud
  1206. Paal, paal
  1207. Paar, few
  1208. Pacco, pacco
  1209. Pace, pace
  1210. Pagliazzo, pagliazzo
  1211. Pagode, pagoda
  1212. Pahaw, pahaw
  1213. Pajock, pajock
  1214. Pakka, pakka
  1215. Pala, pala
  1216. Palaiste, palaces
  1217. Palaz, palace
  1218. Paletz, paletz
  1219. Palgat, palgat
  1220. Paliza, paliza
  1221. Pallasmina, pallasmina
  1222. Palmacu, palmacu
  1223. Palmipes, palmipes
  1224. Pan, pan
  1225. Panache, panache
  1226. Panal, panel
  1227. Panching, panning
  1228. Panilla, panilla
  1229. Pänne, mishaps
  1230. Panni, panny
  1231. Panno, panno
  1232. Panoro, panorama
  1233. Parcetto, parquet
  1234. Pariser Stich, Stich, Paris stitch, stich
  1235. Parm, parm
  1236. Parmak, parmak
  1237. Parms, parms
  1238. Paro, paro
  1239. Part, part
  1240. Partie, lot
  1241. Parto, parto
  1242. Pasme, pasme
  1243. Passetto, passetto
  1244. Passo, passport
  1245. Paulgaut, paulgaut
  1246. Pause, break
  1247. Pazeiden, pazeids
  1248. Pe, pe
  1249. Peck, peck
  1250. Pecul, pecul
  1251. Peerer, peer
  1252. Peerne, peers
  1253. Péga, pega
  1254. Pegel, level
  1255. Peh, peh
  1256. Penal, penalty
  1257. Pennel, pennel
  1258. Pennyweight, pennyweight
  1259. Peonada, peonada
  1260. Pera, pera
  1261. Perch, perches
  1262. Percha, percha
  1263. Perche, perch
  1264. Periot, periot
  1265. Perma, permanent
  1266. Perrée, perree
  1267. Pertica, pertica
  1268. Pesada, pesada
  1269. Pesata, pesata
  1270. Pesau, pesau
  1271. Pesinale, pesinale
  1272. Peso, peso
  1273. Petricon, petricon
  1274. Peymāne, peymāne
  1275. Pezza, pezza
  1276. Pfahl, stake
  1277. Pfahlhaufen, pile pile
  1278. Pfanne, pan
  1279. Pferdelast, horse load
  1280. Pfiff, whistle
  1281. Pflug, plow
  1282. Pfundensalz, pound salt
  1283. Pfundmaß, pound measure
  1284. Phan, phan
  1285. Pherra, pherra
  1286. Pichoune, pichoune
  1287. Picotin, picotine
  1288. Pié, pie
  1289. Pièce, piece
  1290. Pied carré, pied carre
  1291. Piede, piede
  1292. Piędź, piedz
  1293. Piffche, piffche
  1294. Pignata, pignata
  1295. Pignatelia, pignatelia
  1296. Pik, spades
  1297. Piki, piki
  1298. Pim (Währungseinheit), pim
  1299. Pinaki, pinaki
  1300. Pintchen, pinch
  1301. Pio, pio
  1302. Pipa, pipa
  1303. Pipor, pipor
  1304. Pipot, pipot
  1305. Piquet, piquet
  1306. Piset, piset
  1307. Pisoth, pisoth
  1308. Pjaterik, pyaterik
  1309. Planke, plank
  1310. Plethron, plethrone
  1311. Pognerée, pogneree
  1312. Pognou, pognou
  1313. Pognoul, pognoul
  1314. Pogone, pogone
  1315. Poinçon, poincon
  1316. Poiseuille, poiseuille
  1317. Poisson, poisson
  1318. Pojack, pojack
  1319. Półbeczka, polbeczka
  1320. Pole, poles
  1321. Półkorzec, polkorzec
  1322. Pollam, pollam
  1323. Pollegada, pollegada
  1324. Pollice, police
  1325. Poloniko, poloniko
  1326. Polosmina, polosmina
  1327. Polugarnetz, polar network
  1328. Polukruschka, polukrushka
  1329. Polutschetwerik, Polish etwerik
  1330. Poncelet, poncelet
  1331. Pontes, pontes
  1332. Poplata, popplata
  1333. Porca, porca
  1334. Poronkusema, poronkusema
  1335. Porrone, porrone
  1336. Pose, pose
  1337. Possessione, possession
  1338. Post, post
  1339. Poststation, mail station
  1340. Pottle, pottle
  1341. Pouce, pouce
  1342. Pougneree, pougneree
  1343. Prahm, pram
  1344. Prăjină, prăjina
  1345. Praschtschine, praschchine
  1346. Pręcik, pręcik
  1347. Pressburger Eimer, Pressburg bucket
  1348. Preßburger Metzen, Pressburg metzen
  1349. Pręt, pret
  1350. Preußische Tonne, Prussian ton
  1351. Priesterhufe, priest hooves
  1352. Prime, prime
  1353. Probe, sample
  1354. Proche, proche
  1355. Provenda, provenda
  1356. Pud, pud
  1357. Puddalum, puddalum
  1358. Puddy, puddy
  1359. Puhm, phew
  1360. Pulgada, pulgada
  1361. Puncheon, puncheon
  1362. Punchoo, punchoo
  1363. Punko, punk
  1364. Punto, punto
  1365. Pus, whoop
  1366. Pusseree, pusseree
  1367. Put, put
  1368. Pütsche, coups
  1369. Pütt, putt
  1370. Qabda, qabda
  1371. Qadah (Hohlmaß), qadah
  1372. Qafīz, qafiz
  1373. Qalba, qalba
  1374. Qama, qama
  1375. Qasaba, qasaba
  1376. Qintār, qintar
  1377. Quadrat-Milla, square milla
  1378. Quadratingenieurrute, square engineer rod
  1379. Quadrato, square
  1380. Quadrattoise, square toise
  1381. Quardeel, quardeel
  1382. Quart (Garnmaß), quart
  1383. Quarta, quarter
  1384. Quartana, quartana
  1385. Quartane, quartan
  1386. Quartant, quarant
  1387. Quartaro, quartar
  1388. Quartarolo, quartarolo
  1389. Quartaut, quartert
  1390. Quartel, quarter
  1391. Quartera, quartera
  1392. Quarterolle, quarter roll
  1393. Quarteron, quarteron
  1394. Quarterona, quarterona
  1395. Quarterono, quarterono
  1396. Quarticello, quarticello
  1397. Quartier, quarter
  1398. Quartier, quarter
  1399. Quartierchen, quarter
  1400. Quartiere, quarter
  1401. Quartiero, quarter
  1402. Quartiglio, quartlio
  1403. Quartilho, quartilho
  1404. Quartino, quartino
  1405. Quärtli, quarterly
  1406. Quarto, quarto
  1407. Quartuccio, quartuccio
  1408. Quartuncia, quartuncia
  1409. Quattrino, quattrino
  1410. Queleh, queleh
  1411. Quentchen, bite
  1412. Queue, queue
  1413. Quintli, quintli
  1414. Quire, quire
  1415. Rachel, rachel
  1416. Rachen, throat
  1417. Rachim, rachim
  1418. Racione, racione
  1419. Raga, raga
  1420. Rahel, rachel
  1421. Raliza, raliza
  1422. Rame, rame
  1423. Rancho, rancho
  1424. Rand, edge
  1425. Rango, rango
  1426. Ras, ras
  1427. Rasa, rasa
  1428. Rasiera, razor
  1429. Rasière, razor
  1430. Rasta, rasta
  1431. Rati, ratio
  1432. Rattel, rattle
  1433. Raye, raye
  1434. Real, real
  1435. Recherchée, research
  1436. Recke, warrior
  1437. Reep, reep
  1438. Refe, reference
  1439. Rége, rege
  1440. Reif, ripe
  1441. Reis, rice
  1442. Reise, trip
  1443. Reiss, tear
  1444. Remel, remel
  1445. Respe, resp
  1446. Reve, reve
  1447. Rez, rec
  1448. Rezal, rezal
  1449. Rheinländischer Fuß, Rhineland foot
  1450. Riem, strap
  1451. Rimpel, rimple
  1452. Ringel (Bergbau), ringlet
  1453. Riomeh, riomeh
  1454. Rittermäß, knightly
  1455. Robada, robada
  1456. Robo, robot
  1457. Rohr (Mesopotamien), rohr
  1458. Röhrel, tube
  1459. Röhrli, rohrli
  1460. Roik, roik
  1461. Rolle, role
  1462. Rood, room
  1463. Roof, roof
  1464. Room, room
  1465. Ropani, ropani
  1466. Roquille, roquille
  1467. Rosca, rosca
  1468. Rose, rose
  1469. Roß, horse
  1470. Rostzwitter, hermaphrodite
  1471. Rowley mile, rowley miles
  1472. Rubbiacella, rubbiacella
  1473. Rubbiatella, rubbiatella
  1474. Rubbio, rubbio
  1475. Rubʿ (Hohlmaß), rub'
  1476. Ruggi, ruggi
  1477. Rula, rula
  1478. Rummel, hype
  1479. Rump, torso
  1480. Rundlet, rundlet
  1481. Ründsel, trunk
  1482. Ruota, ruota
  1483. Rupy, rupees
  1484. Rut, ruth
  1485. Rutting, rubbing
  1486. Saat, seed
  1487. Sabbitha, sabbitha
  1488. Sabitha, sabitha
  1489. Sacare, sacare
  1490. Saccata, saccata
  1491. Sacco, bag
  1492. Saccoron, saccoron
  1493. Sad, sad
  1494. Sadang, sadang
  1495. Sadon, sadon
  1496. Säfter, juicer
  1497. Saga, saga
  1498. Saggio, saggio
  1499. Sagine, sagine
  1500. Sahm, cream
  1501. Sait, string
  1502. Salma, salma
  1503. Salzkorb, salt basket
  1504. Salzmäß, salt measure
  1505. Salzmetzen, saltmasons
  1506. Salzviertel, salt district
  1507. Sama, sama
  1508. San, san
  1509. Sao, sao
  1510. Sapca, sapca
  1511. SAR, Sar, sar (Mesopotamien), sar, sar, sar
  1512. Sarplar, sarplar
  1513. Saschen, saschen
  1514. Saß, sat
  1515. Sat, sat
  1516. Satel, satellite
  1517. Satz, sentence
  1518. Saucatta, saucatta
  1519. Saum, hem
  1520. Sążeń, sążeń
  1521. Sazo, sazo
  1522. Schacht, shaft
  1523. Schachtmaß, shaft dimension
  1524. Schachtrute, shaft rod
  1525. Schachtwerk, mine
  1526. Schag, shhh
  1527. Schagar, shagar
  1528. Schah-Gheray, shah Gheray
  1529. Schapp, schapp
  1530. Schatt, shadow
  1531. Scheerhaspel, shear reel
  1532. Scheffelsaat, bushel seed
  1533. Schekel, shekel
  1534. Scherbe, shard
  1535. Schesep, scheep
  1536. Schett, schett
  1537. Schichtschuh, shift shoe
  1538. Schiene, rail
  1539. Schiffsfuß, foot of ship
  1540. Schilltonne, shell barrel
  1541. Schineck, shineck
  1542. Schinek, bacon
  1543. Schirgel, reeds
  1544. Schlöpp, slip
  1545. Schmackpfund, tasty pound
  1546. Schmaltonne, narrow barrel
  1547. Schmitz, schmitz
  1548. Schober, rick
  1549. Schock, shock
  1550. Schokoladengewicht, chocolate weight
  1551. Schoot, shoot
  1552. Schragen, trays
  1553. Schrott, scrap metal
  1554. Schuufke, schuukke
  1555. Schweizer Elle, Swiss ell
  1556. Schweizer Fuss, Swiss foot
  1557. Schweizer, Swiss, swiss
  1558. Scodella, scodella
  1559. Score, score
  1560. Seam, seam
  1561. Sechsting, sixth
  1562. Sechter, sechter
  1563. Sechys, sechys
  1564. Sechzehnerli, sixteen
  1565. Sechziger, sixties
  1566. Sediceno, sediceno
  1567. Seer, sear
  1568. Sefter, sever
  1569. Seidel, tankard
  1570. Seipud, seipud
  1571. Seitel, page
  1572. Selemi, selemi
  1573. Selga, selga
  1574. Sen, sen
  1575. Sephel, sephel
  1576. Sereth, sereth
  1577. Serpler, serpler
  1578. Sesma, sesma
  1579. Seste, seste
  1580. Setier, setier
  1581. Setine, setine
  1582. Seyra, seyra
  1583. Shakkanhō, shakkanho
  1584. Shaku, shaku
  1585. Shō, shō
  1586. Sicca, sicca
  1587. Sihr, sir
  1588. Sila, sila
  1589. Simri, simri
  1590. Sinquena, sinquena
  1591. Sipmaß, sip measure
  1592. Sitarion, sitarion
  1593. Sitio, location
  1594. Sivadiere, sivadiere
  1595. Sixto, sixto
  1596. Skalenpfund, scale pounds
  1597. Skein, skein
  1598. Skrinda, skrinda
  1599. Slug, slug
  1600. Soalli, soalli
  1601. Socha, socha
  1602. Sock, socks
  1603. Soglio, soglio
  1604. Soldatenmarsch, soldiers march
  1605. Soline, soline
  1606. Solive, soleive
  1607. Sollotuch, sollo cloth
  1608. Solota, zolota
  1609. Solotnik, solotnik
  1610. Somma, somma
  1611. Somme, summer
  1612. Sommer, summer
  1613. Sompi, sompi
  1614. Sonu, son
  1615. Sorokowaja-Botschka, sorokovaya-bochka
  1616. Sotka, sotka
  1617. Souroutont, souroutont
  1618. Span, span
  1619. Spanisches Münzwesen, spanish coinage
  1620. Spann, instep
  1621. Spanne (Längenmaß), span
  1622. Spannland, spanland
  1623. Spazzo, spazzo
  1624. Speckgewicht, bacon weight
  1625. Speckhäuslegewicht, bacon house weight
  1626. Spindle, spindle
  1627. Spint, locker
  1628. Spithame, spithame
  1629. Spon, spon
  1630. Spuhl, spool
  1631. Ssorokowoi, sorokovoi
  1632. St.-Thomas-Gewicht, st. thomas weight
  1633. Stab, rod
  1634. Stabel, stick
  1635. Stäble, sticks
  1636. Stack of wood, stack of wood
  1637. Stadion (Längenmaß), stadium
  1638. Stafrum, stafrum
  1639. Stajolo, stajolo
  1640. Stajuolo, stajuolo
  1641. Stalln, stables
  1642. Stamni, stamni
  1643. Stamno, stamno
  1644. Standard, default
  1645. Stang, pole
  1646. Stange, pole
  1647. Stangiew, stangiew
  1648. Stânjen, stanjen
  1649. Stapel, stack
  1650. Stapp, step
  1651. Star, star
  1652. Starata, starata
  1653. Starello, starello
  1654. Starland, starland
  1655. Startin, startin
  1656. Stathme, stathme
  1657. Stauscheffel, storage bushel
  1658. Stecken, put
  1659. Steften, stesten
  1660. Steinbrecher Fuß, stone crusher foot
  1661. Steinkohlentonne, hard coal barrel
  1662. Steinschuh, stone shoe
  1663. Steuerquartier, control quarters
  1664. Steuertonne, tax barrel
  1665. Stibich, stibich
  1666. Stiege, stairs
  1667. Stier, bull
  1668. Stiftsviertel, collegiate district
  1669. Stig, stig
  1670. Stil, style
  1671. Stingene, sting genes
  1672. Stioro, stioro
  1673. Stippich, stippich
  1674. Stochiacah, stochiacah
  1675. Stock, floor
  1676. Stof, fabric
  1677. Stone, stone
  1678. Stoop, stoop
  1679. Stopa sześcienna, stopa sześcienna
  1680. Stopa, stopa
  1681. Stopello, stopello
  1682. Stoß, bump
  1683. Stotze, stomp
  1684. Straßenrute, street rod
  1685. Strecke, route
  1686. Streif, stripes
  1687. Stremma, strema
  1688. Stremo, stromo
  1689. Strich (Rekrutenmaß), dash
  1690. Strike, strike
  1691. Strohgeflechtmaß, straw mesh size
  1692. Stübchen, room
  1693. Stube, parlour
  1694. Stück (Garnmaß), piece
  1695. Stückfass, barrel
  1696. Stückle, pieces
  1697. Stuef, step
  1698. Stuhl, chair
  1699. Stundenfuß, hour foot
  1700. Stürnitze, fall nip
  1701. Stutz, support
  1702. Stütze, support
  1703. Subban, subban
  1704. Succalo, succalo
  1705. Sukat, sukat
  1706. Sukurrudscha, sukurruja
  1707. Surch, surch
  1708. Süß, sweet
  1709. Szestnastki, szestnastki
  1710. Sznur, sznur
  1711. Ta, ta
  1712. Tael, valley
  1713. Tagbau, open pit
  1714. Tagehri, daily
  1715. Tagmatt, daymat
  1716. Tagpolo, day polo
  1717. Tagwerk (Torf), tagwerk
  1718. Taille, waist
  1719. Taim, taim
  1720. Taing, taing
  1721. Talacsan, talacsan
  1722. Talent, talent
  1723. Tan, tan
  1724. Tank, tank
  1725. Tanko, tanko
  1726. Tappit Hen, tappit hen
  1727. Tarca, tarca
  1728. Tarea, tarea
  1729. Tarma, tarma
  1730. Tary, tary
  1731. Tasū, tasu
  1732. Tat, did
  1733. Tatami, tatami
  1734. Tause, thousand
  1735. Tausend, thousand
  1736. Tavola, tavola
  1737. Tazza, tazza
  1738. Teccalis, teccalis
  1739. Teersjen, teersjen
  1740. Teffé, teffe
  1741. Tehr, dear
  1742. Teman, teman
  1743. Temen, themes
  1744. Ten, ten
  1745. Tenn, tenn
  1746. Teon, teon
  1747. Tephach, tephach
  1748. Termino, term
  1749. Terz, third
  1750. Terzo, terzo
  1751. Tesa, tape
  1752. Teut, German
  1753. Thas, tha
  1754. That, that
  1755. Thaue, thaw
  1756. Thit, it
  1757. Thread, thread
  1758. Thuok, thuok
  1759. Thwa, thwa
  1760. Tibero, tibero
  1761. Tierze, animals
  1762. Tigday, day
  1763. Timber, timber
  1764. Tinaja, tinaja
  1765. Tinne, tin
  1766. Tippree, tippree
  1767. Tipree, tipree
  1768. Tircon, tircon
  1769. Tischauffera, table display
  1770. Tjäretönde, tjäretonde
  1771. Tjog, tjog
  1772. To, to
  1773. Todi, todi
  1774. Toftrute, toft rod
  1775. Toise, toise
  1776. Tol, great
  1777. Tola, tola
  1778. Tolon, tolon
  1779. Tomand, tomand
  1780. Tomine, tomine
  1781. Tomolo, tomolo
  1782. Tompong, tompong
  1783. Tonel, tonel
  1784. Tonelada, tonelada
  1785. Tonneau, tonneau
  1786. Topf, pot
  1787. Töpfchen, potty
  1788. Topon, topon
  1789. Topp, top
  1790. Toque, toque
  1791. Torentura, torentura
  1792. Torfkorb, peat basket
  1793. Torflast, peat load
  1794. Tornadura, tornadura
  1795. Tornatura, tornatura
  1796. Totschka, tochka
  1797. Touque, toque
  1798. Tovar, tovar
  1799. Töver, tover
  1800. Trabucco, trabucco
  1801. Traelastlaest, traelastlast
  1802. Trait, trait
  1803. Trapeso, trapeso
  1804. Tratto, tratto
  1805. Treiben, to drive
  1806. Trentaine, trentaine
  1807. Treseau, treseau
  1808. Tresseau, tresseau
  1809. Trinkl, drink
  1810. Troinik, troinik
  1811. Troubahouache, troubahouache
  1812. Truche, truches
  1813. Truss, truss
  1814. Truster, trustee
  1815. Tschan, chan
  1816. Tschanta, chanta
  1817. Tschārak, charak
  1818. Tscharka, charka
  1819. Tschaska, chaska
  1820. Tscheharek, cheharek
  1821. Tschetwerik, chetwerik
  1822. Tschetwerka, chetetverka
  1823. Tschetwert, chet value
  1824. Tschetwertinka, chetvertinka
  1825. Tuckea, tuckea
  1826. Tuda, tuda
  1827. Tun, do
  1828. Túndagslátta, túndagslátta
  1829. Tung, tung
  1830. Tunke, dip
  1831. Tunna, tunna
  1832. Tuoppi, tuoppi
  1833. Tura, turah
  1834. Tussoo, tussoo
  1835. Tuuma, tuuma
  1836. Tynnyri, tynnyri
  1837. Tynnyrilästi, tynnyrilästi
  1838. Ueba, ueba
  1839. Ujana, ujana
  1840. Uncia, uncia
  1841. Uncja, uncja
  1842. Uper, up
  1843. Uperken, uperken
  1844. Ur, ur
  1845. Urna, urn
  1846. Urup, urup
  1847. , , (Mesopotamien)
  1848. Usbek, uzbek
  1849. Vaaksa, vaaksa
  1850. Vaam, vaam
  1851. Vaatje, vaatje
  1852. Vakia, vakia
  1853. Vakie, vakie
  1854. Vakir, vakir
  1855. Vaneza, vaneza
  1856. Vara de rivera, vara de rivera
  1857. Varahun, varahun
  1858. Varenne, varenne
  1859. Vari, vari
  1860. Variciacho, variciacho
  1861. Variciaco, variciaco
  1862. Vassa, vassa
  1863. Vat, father
  1864. Vatje, dad
  1865. Veder, veder
  1866. Veerker, veerker
  1867. Veissel, vehicle
  1868. Veka, veka
  1869. Velte, velte
  1870. Vergée, forgée
  1871. Verktum, sale
  1872. Vermessungsfuß, survey foot
  1873. Verp, package
  1874. Verre, re
  1875. Versine, verses
  1876. Versokka, versokka
  1877. Versura, versura
  1878. Vesno, vesno
  1879. Vicomtegewicht, viscount weight
  1880. Vierdup, four-dup
  1881. Vierfaß, four barrel
  1882. Vierling, four of a kind
  1883. Viernling, quadruplet
  1884. Viernsel, viernsel
  1885. Viertel, quarter
  1886. Viertele, quarter
  1887. Viertelein, quarter
  1888. Viertelgescheid, quarter
  1889. Vierteli, quarter
  1890. Viertelspann, quarter span
  1891. Vilcadé, vilcade
  1892. Vingtaine, vingtaine
  1893. Viraganidé, viraganide
  1894. Virnzel, virnzel
  1895. Virsta, virsta
  1896. Virte, virte
  1897. Vödör, voeder
  1898. Vog, vog
  1899. Voie, voie
  1900. Vorling, forerunner
  1901. Voua, voua
  1902. Voule, volume
  1903. Vretene, vretene
  1904. Vussa, vussa
  1905. Wadra, wadra
  1906. Wadschab, wajab
  1907. Wag, dare
  1908. Wagen, car
  1909. Währing, currency
  1910. Waiba, waiba
  1911. Waldfuß, forest foot
  1912. Waldklafter, forest fathom
  1913. Waldreif, forest frost
  1914. Wall, wall
  1915. Wall, wall
  1916. Wanne, tub
  1917. Wari, wari
  1918. Watner, watner
  1919. Weberelle, weberell
  1920. Wecht, wech
  1921. Wedro, wedro
  1922. Wehr, weir
  1923. Welle, wave
  1924. Wende, turn
  1925. Wente, wente
  1926. Werk, plant
  1927. Werschok, vershok
  1928. Werst, verst
  1929. Westfälische Meile, Westphalian mile
  1930. Wey, wey
  1931. Wiadro, wiadro
  1932. Wiedel, wiedel
  1933. Wiener Eimer, Viennese bucket
  1934. Wihimpten, wimping
  1935. Windel, diaper
  1936. Wispel, wisp
  1937. Włóka, włóka
  1938. Wurf, throw
  1939. Wusa, wusa
  1940. Xatague, xatague
  1941. Yosane, yosane
  1942. Yugada, yugada
  1943. Yük, yuk
  1944. Yuta, yuta
  1945. Zaim, zaim
  1946. Zain, zain
  1947. Zappada, zappada
  1948. Zarf, zaff
  1949. Zatou, zatou
  1950. Zavah, zavah
  1951. Zehntel, tenth
  1952. Zeidelheide, zeidelheide
  1953. Zeile, line
  1954. Zenge, zenge
  1955. Zer, cer
  1956. Zerla, zerla
  1957. Ziment, cement
  1958. Zimmer, room
  1959. Zimmerfuß, room foot
  1960. Zirai, zirai
  1961. Zuber, zuber
  1962. Zucca, zucca
  1963. Zug, train
  1964. Zulast, load
  1965. Zuoja, zuoja
  1966. Zurlo (Gewichtsmaß), zurlo (measure of weight)
  1967. Zwölfter, twelfth