< User:-sche | wanted
[edit]- French: battre à Niort, aller à Niort, à Niort, Niort
- French: affouche, lafouche (used especially on Maurice, Reunion): any of several native figs. Various forms exist due to confusion of l'affouche, la fouche, laf(f)ouche.
- E. Jacob de Cordemoy, Flore de l'île de la Réunion (phanérogames) cryptogames vasculaires (1895), identifies several species: F. rubra Vahl., Enum., II, 191. F. pyrifolia Lam. (Vulg. Affouche rouge.); F. lucens Cordem. (vulg. Grand Affouche.); F. cinerea Cordem. (vulg. Affouche blanc.); F. terebrata W., Sp., Pl. IV, 1145. F. pertusa bory, Voy., I, 353, tab.-XVII. (Vulg. Affouche bâtard.)
- Marc Rivière, Les plantes médicinales à l' Île de la Réunion: Homonymes (2007): Les affouches sont des ficus, sans aucun doute ! Mais tous les ficus ne sont pas des affouches. D'où vient le mot affouche ? Pas du malgache sûrement !
- Annegret Bollée, Dictionnaire étymologique des créoles français de l'Océan Indien, lemmatizes "afus (lafus, lafurs, zafus)" and mentions (without reproducing) examples from Reunion of affouche (1672), affourche and fourche (1712), and afouge, as well as the Ficus species affouche bâtard, affouche blanc, grand affouche, and affouche rouge, as well as afus, lafus (lafus malbar, lafus malgas), and zafus (zafus blã, grã zafus, zafus ruz); and examples from Maurice of (la) fouche vers (1755), (la) fouche bâtard, afouche rouge (1864), as well as lafurs, lafus. Also: "rod. lafurs [...]; sey. lafus."
Pare words (see also RFM): ikinda "banana tree", mshambi "tail of a sheep". Iraqw words: lee'i "goat". Zigua: guluka "run (verb)", gamba "talk (verb)", kala "hunt (verb)" (also with prefix, see RFM). Alagwa and Burunge: gimba "talk (verb)". Dahalo: girigiri "fast".
- 1837, Julien Joseph VIREY, J. H. GUENEBAULT, Natural history of the Negro Race. Extracted from the French [i.e. from the “Histoire naturelle du genre humain”], by J. H. Guenebault, page 117:
- A Griffe and a Zambi produce a Giveros. A Mulatto and a Zambaigi produce a Cambujo. In this second division of the third class the offspring [...] take at least of seven or eight kinds of blood, and as these complications are multiplied, all the ...
- 2013, Jon M. Mikkelsen, Kant and the Concept of Race: Late Eighteenth-Century Writings, SUNY Press (→ISBN), page 207:
- much darker, or blacker, than <that of> the mulatto. ... is the son of a mulatto woman and a Cambujo male; a Cambujo is the son of a mulatto woman and a Zambaigo male; and, finally, <a> Zambaigo is the son of a Zambi and an American.
- 1894, Joseph Elias Hayne, The Black Man: Or, The Natural History of the Hametic Race, page 31:
- Griffes, or Cabres, are the outcome of the union between a black Hainite and a mulatto woman. Zambaigi is the product arising from coition between a Carribean and a Zambi. Where the offspring of a Mestizo and a native American is the result ...
- 1837, Julien-Joseph Virey, Natural History of the Negro Race, page 116:
- With an American mestize , a white produces a Quatralvi or castisse . A negro and a mulatto woman produce Griffes or Cabres . A Carribean and a Zambi produce Zambaigi . The offspring of a Mestize and a native American is called Tresalve .
- 1819, Abraham Rees, The Cyclopaedia; Or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature
- ... produce a Saltatra ; an European and Castisso , a which an individual occupies in society . When a common Postifio ; an European and American Quarteron of the fe . man disputes with one of his superiors , he is frequently cond generation ...
- 1809, William Nicholson, The British Encyclopedia: Or, Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Comprising an Accurate and Popular View of the Present Improved State of Human Knowledge
- A Mulatto and Terceron produce a Saltatra ; an European and Castisso, a Postisso; an European and American Quarteron, an Octavon. Some carry the genealogy of these hybrid races into the fourth generation, calling the children of ...
- 1775, Richard Twiss, Travels Through Portugal and Spain in 1772 and 1773, page 333:
- From a Cambujo and a Mulata, an Albarassado. 15. From an Albarassado and a Mulata, a Barzino. 16. From a Barzino and a Mulata, the issue is a Negro with smooth hair. - This remarkable circumstance of the children of almost white parents, ...
[edit]- holjba, German Halbe; possible quotation:
- 1886, Rudolf Strohal, Hrvatskih narodnih pripoviedaka ..., page 117:
- [...] porcija jila i holjba vina. Potroši on se to i poberu [...] njega tanjiri i ta holjba i ne dobi on više nikaj.
- 1886, Rudolf Strohal, Hrvatskih narodnih pripoviedaka ..., page 117:
- kafelefl, German Kaffeelöffel
- kafemil, Kaffeemühle
- kostšale, Kostschale
- krigla, krigl, kriglin, krigljin (see entries)
- nudlbret, nudlpret, Nudelbrett, Nudelprett
- pajtmlin, (dialectal counterpart of?) Beutelmehl / Mühle
- piksa / piksla, Büchse, Austrain Büchsel
- platna, Platte, Herdplatte
- rajngla, Austrian Reine
- ribež, Reibeisen
- ringla, Ringl (Herdring)
- sajtlik, Seidelglas, Seitel
- supntopf, zupntopf, Suppentopf
- šerfa = šeflja, Schöpflöffel
- šola = šolja, Schale
- špajservis, Speiseservice
[edit]- see other linked terms:
- Maria Teresa Espinal i Farré, Diccionari de sinònims de frases fetes (2004, →ISBN), page 931
- de color de gos com fuig SP, de color indefinit / (d'un) color indefinit, brut, especialment propi de les peces de roba que per l'ús o amb el temps han perdut el color original (R-M, EC)
- Duia un vestit usat i lluent de colzes, de color do gos com fuig, que abans devia haver estat gris (També s'usa amb la forma de color de gos quan fuig) (R-M)
- de color d'ala de mosca (p.ext.), de color de catxumbo (p.ext.), de color de merda d'oca (p.ext.)
- Max Wheeler, Alan Yates, Nicolau Dols, Catalan: A Comprehensive Grammar (2002, →ISBN), page 84:
- ... verd poma 'apple green', groc cadmi 'cadmium yellow', merda d'oca 'dirty beige' (lit. goose shit), ala de mosca 'greyish' (lit. fly's wing), color de gos com fuig 'indeterminate dark colour' (lit. dog fleeing). These adjectives by conversion, simple and compound, sometimes introduced by explanatory color (de), are invariable in gender and number, thus: un gelat rosa 'a pink ice cream', unes cortines verd poma / unes cortines color (de) verd poma 'apple green curtains'.
- Francesc de B. Moll (1980):
- Color de passatemps (val.) o color d'ala de mosca (or., occ, val., bal.) o color de gos com fuig (or.) o color del dimoni com fuig (men.) o color de xuta (men.) o color de llampuga (men.): color indefinida, bruta ...
Another source mentions color d'ala de corb, but really? That doesn't mean "black"?
- Molly Goodkind, Marcella Hayes and Amanda Mitchell, Spanish Civil War and Its Memory (2015, →ISBN), page 66:
- Practically everyone wore rough working-class clothes, or blue overalls or some variant of the militia uniform. But after the Spanish Civil War ended in disaster for the Second Spanish Republic in 1939, fascist-controlled Barcelona was stripped of its rebel bohemian identity, transformed from the black-and-red city into the city “color de gos com fuig” (the color of a dog running away) a drab no-color.
- Robert Hughes, The Spectacle of Skill: New and Selected Writings of Robert Hughes (2016, →ISBN):
- One strikingly poetic Catalan phrase evokes the drabness of Barcelona twenty-five years ago: color de gos com fuig, the color of a dog running away—that is, no color, indeterminacy, mud, yet with something unquestionably there.
Units of measure
[edit]- list generated from Wikipedias and machine translations, useful but must be checked
- Abas, abas
- Abucchi, abucchi
- Abzug, deduction
- Acaena, acaena
- Acetabulum, acetabulum
- Achterli, aft
- Achtring, eight ring
- Acino, acino
- Acker, field
- Adarme, adarme
- Addix, addix
- Aderma, aderma
- Adoucu, adoucu
- Adowlie, adowlie
- Ady, ady
- Aepfeltonne, Äpfeltonne (Tonne, tonne, ton), apple ton, apple ton (ton, ton, ton)
- Agarasaulay, agarasaulay
- Agastera, agastera
- Agatsch, agache
- Agito, agito
- Akid, akid
- Akó, ako
- Alcolla, alcolla
- Alma, alma
- Almane, almane
- Almenn turma : Almenn, almenn, Turma, turma, almenn turma : almenn, almenn, turma, turma
- Almuda, almuda
- Alqueire, alqueire
- Amahe, amahe
- Ammersaat, bunting seed
- Amole, amole
- Amomam, amomam
- Amphora, amphora
- Amtsbodenachtel (Amtsboden, Achtel, achtel), amtsbodenachtel (amtsboden, eighth, eighth)
- Anati, anati
- Anegras, anegrass
- Angoolam, angolam
- Angulla, angulla
- Anthal, anthal
- Antorferpfund (Pfund, pfund), antorferpound (pound, pound)
- Anukabiet, anukabiet
- Anzing, number
- Apatan, apatan
- Aporrhymas, aporrhymas
- Aranzada, aranzada
- Arbage, arbage
- Ardame, ardame
- Argenso, argenso
- Arich, arich
- Armina, armina
- Arpa, arpa
- Arpent, arpent
- Arratel, arrears
- Arroba, arroba
- Arrobeta, arrobeta
- Arschin. Arschine, arshin. arschine
- Arsin. Arşın, arsine. :arşın
- Arsolah, arsolah
- Artaba, Artabad, Artabe, artaba, artabad, artabe
- Artilleriefuß, artillery foot
- Arura, Arure, arura, arure
- As, ace
- Aschentonne : ^
- Asnée, asnee
- Assay ton : assay ton, ton
- At (Altes Ägypten), at
- Atomo, atomic
- Attisches Talent : Talent, talent
- Aune, aune
- Aureo, aureo
- Ava, ava
- Avanom, avanom
- Azumbre, azure
- Baat, bat
- Bachel, bachel
- Bacile, bacile
- Baciletta, baciletta
- Bacino, bacino
- Bago, bago
- Bahār, bahar
- Bahram, bahram
- Bahu, baho
- Baille, bail
- Bak, bake
- Balance, balance
- Balg, bellows
- Balita, balita
- Balje, balje
- Ballot, ballot
- Bamboo, bamboo
- Band, tape
- Bandfass, tape barrel
- Baniță, banita
- Bāqilā, baqila
- Baral, baral
- Barill, barill
- Barilon, barilon
- Barony, barony
- Barra, barra
- Barräle, barrels
- Barralon, barralon
- Barre, bars
- Barrel, barrels
- Barrique, barrique
- Barsella, barsella
- Baruth, baruth
- Baryd, baryd
- Bassa, bassa
- Batman, batman
- Bättell, ball
- Bau, building
- Bauche, belly
- Bauernklafter, farmer fathoms
- Baumölmaß, tree oil measure
- Bazendingle, bazendingle
- Bazini, bazini
- Bazzillo, bazzillo
- Beak, beak
- Becher, a cup
- Becherée, becherée
- Becherlein, mug
- Beck, beck
- Beczka, beczka
- Bedre, bedre
- Beitzen, pickling
- Bema, bema
- Bener, bener
- Beneta, beneta
- Bergeimer, mountain bucket
- Bergelle, bergelle
- Bergkübel, mountain bucket
- Bergscheffel, bergscheffel
- Berkowitz, berkowitz
- Berner Elle : Elle, elle, ell, Bernese elle
- Berner Schuh : Schuh, schuh, shoe, Bernese shoe
- Berri, berry
- Beru (Mesopotamien), beru
- Bes, esp
- Beson, special
- Bicchieri, bicchieri
- Bicchiero, bicchiero
- Bidon, bidon
- Biega, bending
- Bierlast, beer load
- Bieröhmchen, beer mug
- Biertonne, beer barrel
- Bigga, bigga
- Bigha, bigha
- Bigoncia, bigoncia
- Bildhauerfuß, sculptor's foot
- Biljuk, bilyuk
- Billet, ticket
- Bind, binding
- Binde, bandage
- Binh, binh
- Biolca, biolca
- Bis, until
- Bisacca, bisacca
- Bischof, bishop
- Bitic, bitic
- Bitschart, bitchart
- Blank, blank
- Bloss, just
- Bocale, bocale
- Böcklein, kid
- Boġča, boġča
- Böhmischer Strich : Strich, bohemian dash : dash
- Boisseau, boisseau
- Boisselée, boisselee
- Bole, bole
- Borrel, borrel
- Bosse, Bosses, bosses, :bosses
- Bota, bota
- Botschka, bochka
- Botte, boat
- Boucaut, boucaut
- Boujaron, boujaron
- Bouteille, bouteille
- Bozia, bozia
- Bozza, Bozze, bozza, :bozza
- Braça, braca
- Braccio da Panno : Braccio, braccio, braccio da panno : braccio, braccio
- Braccio da Terra, braccio da terra
- Braccio, braccio
- Brande, fire
- Brasse, bream
- Bratze, bratze
- Brau, brew
- Braunschweiger Elle : ^, Brunswick ell
- Brautonne : ^, bridal sun : ^
- Braza real : Braza, braza, braza real : braza, braza
- Brazádo, brazado
- Brazzetto, brazzetto
- Bremer Last : Last, last, bremen last: last, last
- Brenta (Hohlmaß), brenta
- Brento, brento
- Brief, letter
- Browoz, browoz
- Bu, bu
- Bubblo, bubblo
- Bucher, books
- Bucizza, bucizza
- Buey, buyy
- Bugday, bugday
- Buncal, buncal
- Bund, federation
- Bunder, covenant
- Bur, bur
- Burchio, burchio
- Bürtel, belt
- Buschau, buchau
- Büschel, tuft
- Bushel, bushel
- Bussard, buzzard
- Busuck, busuck
- Butcher’s stone : butcher's stone, stone, butcher's stone : butcher's stone, stone
- Butt, butt
- Bütte, butt
- Buttima, buttima
- Butylka, butyl cap
- Cabal, cabal
- Caballería, caballeria
- Caban, caban
- Cabida, cabida
- Cadame, cadame
- Cade, cade
- Caderno, caderno
- Cado, cado
- Cafisse, cafe
- Cafla, cafla
- Cagliaria, cagliaria
- Cahis, cahis
- Cahíz, cahiz
- Cahizada, cahizada
- Calanchi, calanchi
- Calemin, calemin
- Calow, calow
- Calpo, calpo
- Camaco, camaco
- Cambetta, cambetta
- Cameral-Fuß : cameral, foot, cameral foot : cameral, foot
- Campo, campo
- Canada, canada
- Canado, canada
- Canam, canam
- Canata, canata
- Candaca, candaca
- Cando, cando
- Candy, candy
- Canhador, canhador
- Cani, cani
- Canna, canna
- Cannate, cannate
- Cannella, cannella
- Cantarello, cantarello
- Cantaro, cantaro
- Cape foot, cape foot
- Capicha, capicha
- Caque, cup
- Cara, cara
- Caractere, character
- Carara, carara
- Carato, carato
- Carboy, carboy
- Carica, Carico, carica, :carico
- Carival, carnival
- Carobe, carobe
- Carozzo, carozzo
- Carrata, carrata
- Carré, carre
- Carreau, carreau
- Carretado, carretado
- Carro, carro
- Carse, carse
- Carte, carte
- Carterée, carterée
- Carteyrade, carteyrade
- Carucata, carucata
- Cass, cass
- Casseler Acker : Acker, acker, casseler field: field, field
- Cassico, cassico
- Castellano, castellano
- Castilianische Mark : Mark, mark, castilian mark : mark, mark
- Catena, catena
- Cavalleria, cavalry
- Cavan, cavan
- Cavary, cavary
- Cavesco, cavesco
- Cavezzo, cavezzo
- Cavot, cavot
- Cawney, cawney
- Celemino, celemino
- Cent, cent
- Centaß, centass
- Centnar, centnar
- Cesto, cesto
- Chain, chain
- Chaldron, chaldrone
- Chandoo, chandoo
- Char, char
- Charac, character
- Charge, batch
- Charrūba, charruba
- Charwār, charwar
- Chast, chase
- Chattak, chattak
- Chattauck, chattauck
- Chaupine, chaupine
- Chebbo, chebo
- Chebel, chevel
- Cheky, cheky
- Cheme, chemistry
- Chenica, chenica
- Cheshire-Pole, cheshire pole
- Chest, chest
- Chet (Altes Ägypten) : chet, chet (ancient egypt): chet
- Chi, chi
- Chila, chila
- Chinanta, chinanta
- Choadony, choadony
- Chönix, chonix
- Chopine, chopine
- Chor, choir
- Chouto, chouto
- Chow, chow
- Chupa, chupa
- Chus, chus
- Ciesky, ciesky
- Cifk, cifk
- Circular mil, circular mil
- Civadier, civadian
- Clam, clam
- Clima, climate
- Clocane, clocans
- Clove, clove
- Coccia, Coccio, coccia, : coccio
- Codo, code
- Coffino, coffee
- Cogno, cogno
- Cohi, cohi
- Cole, cole
- Côle, cole
- Collothun, collothun
- Colo, colo
- Coltra, coltra
- Coltre, coltre
- Conjon, conjon
- Conque, conque
- Conzo, conzo
- Coom, coom
- Copa, copa
- Copello, copello
- Copet, copet
- Coppa, coppa
- Coppo, coppo
- Cor, cor
- Corba, corba
- Cord, cord
- Corda, corda
- Corde, corde
- Cordel, cordel
- Cornickel, cornickel
- Cortane, cortane
- Cortarine, cortarine
- Cortsch, corch
- Costal, costal
- Cotta, cotta
- Coudée, coudee
- Coupang, coupang
- Coupé, coupe
- Couque, couque
- Courosame, courosame
- Crad, cradle
- Cran, cran
- Crat, crate
- Crazia, crazia
- Criadero, criadero
- Crivello, crivello
- Cseber, cseber
- Cuartera, cuartera
- Cuarterada, cuarterada
- Cuarteron, cuarteron
- Cuartillo, cuartillo
- Cuartin, cuartin
- Cubit, cubit
- Cucchiaro, cucchiaro
- Cuillier, cuillier
- Culah, culah
- Culleus, culleus
- Cullishigay, cullishigay
- Cumbo, cumbo
- Cun, cun
- Cup, cup
- Cupo, cupo
- Cusl, cusl
- Custodie, custody
- Cuttlo, cuttlo
- Ćwierć, Ćwierć
- Czarka, czarka
- Dadix, dadix
- Dagwand, day wall
- Dain, therein
- Dam, dam
- Dammer, dam
- Dan, dan
- Danda, danda
- Dāng, dang
- Dāniq, dāniq
- Danna (Mesopotamien), danna
- Darchini, darchini
- Daribba, daribba
- Dartu, dartu
- Däst, diet
- Daumelle, thumbell
- Deben, debits
- Decher, decker
- Decimal, decimal
- Decimo, decimo
- Decina, decina
- Dedo, dedo
- Deget pătrat, deget patrat
- Deichgräberrute : Rute, rute, dyke digger's rod : rod, rod
- Deichkabel, levee cable
- Dekade, decade
- Dekas, decas
- Delnitá, delnita
- Demijohn, demijohn
- Demirlä, demirlä
- Denaro, denaro
- Denk, think
- Deppo, jerk
- Deral, derals
- Derali, derali
- Desjaterik, desjaterik
- Dessjatine, dessiatine
- Destre, destre
- Dezimal, decimal
- Dhirāʿ, dhiraʿ
- Dhrá, dhra
- Dichas, dichas
- Dicotilo, dicotillo
- Diemat, diemat
- Diethaufe, dietaufe
- Dimerli, dimerli
- Dipoh, dipoh
- Dito, dito
- Dizean, dicean
- Djeba, djeba
- Djong, djong
- Doba, doba
- Doit, doit
- Dolichos (Lauf), dolichos
- Dolja, dolya
- Domin, domin
- Dong, dong
- Doon, doon
- Doopke, doopke
- Doppelhundert, double hundred
- Doppelmäß, double measure
- Douillard, douillard
- Dowang, dowang
- Dozovo, dozovo
- Drachma, drachma
- Drag, drag
- Dramur, drama
- Dreiling, three of a kind
- Dreilingsmetze, triple massacres
- Dreißiger, thirties
- Dresdner Kanne : Kanne, kanne, dresdner kanne: kanne, kanne
- Drilling, triplets
- Drohn, drone
- Drömt, drone
- Drop, drop
- Dscharīb, jarīb
- Dschirib, jirib
- Dschömba, djemba
- Dschou, dschou
- Duella, duel
- Dumplachter, dumbass
- Dunam, dunam
- Düong, duong
- Écheveau, echeveau
- Ecklein, little corner
- Eichmaß, gauge
- Eighth, eight
- Eimerlein, little bucket
- Einfall, incidence
- Elwand, elwand
- Emene, emene
- Emero, emero
- Emina, emina
- Émine, emine
- Empan, empan
- Endasch, final ash
- Engjateigur, engjateigur
- English Ell : English ell, ell, english ell : english ell, ell
- Engster, closest
- Eprouvette, eprovette
- Erdochs, ground ox
- Erdrute, ground rod
- Erlauer Faß : Faß, erlauer fass: barrel
- Erzmaß, ore measure
- Esca, esca
- Escandeau, escandeau
- Eschen, ash trees
- Essain, essain
- Essertin, eater
- Estadale, estadale
- Estádio, estadio
- Estado, state
- Estelin, estelin
- Esterling, esterling
- Etto, etto
- Etzba, etzba
- Eultschek, eultchek
- Evlek, evlek
- Exeque, executive
- Faden (Garnmaß), thread
- Faggot, fagot
- Fahn, flag
- Fahrt, journey
- Falchom, falkhom
- Fall, case
- Fammar, family
- Famn, family
- Fandel, fandel
- Fanega, fanega
- Fanoe, fanoe
- Faranzala, faranzala
- Fardingdeal, farding deal
- Fardo, fardo
- Fargot, fargot
- Fasch, fake
- Fass (Trier), barrel
- Fässchen, keg
- Fastsaat, fast seed
- Fauchée, fauchee
- Fauches, hissing
- Faust, fist
- Faux, faux
- Feddan, feddan
- Feldacker und Waldacker, field fields and forest fields
- Felin, felin
- Fen, feet
- Feralin, feralin
- Ferfaðmur, ferfaðmur
- Ferfet, ferfet
- Ferlino, ferlino
- Fermíla, fermila
- Ferrado, ferrado
- Ferþumlungur, ferþumlungur
- Feuillette, features
- Fiasco, fiasco
- Fichelin, fichelin
- Firkin, fikin
- Fischel, fishel
- Fitze, fizz
- Flasche, bottle
- Foglietta, foglietta
- Footlambert, footlambert
- Fortin, fortin
- Fossorier, fossori
- Foster, foster
- Foudre, foudre
- Fraggele, fraggle
- Fraggerl, fraggerl
- Francart, francart
- Frangotillo, francotillo
- Frankenhauser Kanne, frankenhauser pot
- Frankfurter Stab : Stab, stab, staff, stave, frankfurter stab : stab, stab, staff, stave
- Frequin, frequin
- Frison, frison
- Frohngewicht, happy weight
- Fruchtgallon, fruit gallon
- Fudder, fudder
- Fuder, fuder
- Fuderstock, fuderstick
- Fülleimer, filling bucket
- Fünfviertel-Sihr : Sihr, sihr, five quarter sihr: sihr, sihr
- Funt, fun
- Funta, funta
- Furlong, furlong
- Futtermaßel, lining measure
- Gais, Gais
- Gaißla, Gaissla
- Galbe, galbe
- Gallone, gallon
- Galopin, gallop
- Galvai, Galvai
- Gam, game
- Gambetta, Gambetta
- Gang (Garnmaß), thread
- Gantan, Gantan
- Gantong, gantong
- Garave, Garave
- Garce, Garce
- Garnetz, garnet
- Garniec, garniec
- Garnitur, set
- Gaspe, Gaspe
- Gatzen, gazers
- Gavada, Gavada
- Gawot, Gavot
- Gazel, gazel
- Ge, ge
- Geailoge, Geailogue
- Geblätz, blared
- Geestmorgen, yesterday morning
- Geestrute, geest rod
- Geestscheffel, Geestscheffel
- Geira, geira
- Gelängeflur, dirt floor
- Gelte, apply
- Geme, Gem
- Gemind, community
- Gendumscho, Gendumscho
- Geplätze, spaces
- Gereh, due
- Gerle, Gerle
- Gerra, Gerra
- Gert, device
- Ges, total
- Gescheid, divorced
- Geschleif, grinding
- Getreideprob-Metzen, Grain sample butchers
- Gewende, turn
- Ghefeese, gheeese
- Gheria, Gheria
- Gheriah, Gheriah
- Gherrie, Gherrie
- Gherry, gherry
- Ghiral, Ghiral
- Giarre, guitar
- Gidda, Gidda
- Gilbert, Gilbert
- Gill, Gil
- Giornata, giornata
- Gira, Gira
- Girä, Gira
- Girära, Girara
- Girib, Girib
- Gitter, grid
- Glas, Glass
- Glasmaß, glass measure
- Gleit, sliding
- Glied, element
- Globen, globes
- Gō, Go
- Gode, Gode
- Goelack, Goelack
- Gognale, Gognale
- Golsch, golsch
- Gon (Längenmaß), Gon
- Gönczer Faß, Gönczer barrel
- Göntscha, gonscha
- Gorraf, Gorraf
- Gos, Gos
- Gotto, Gotto
- Goue, goue
- Graber, digger
- Grad Bischoff, degree bischoff
- Granik (Gewichtsmaß), Granik
- Granotine, granotine
- Granottino, Granottino
- Granotto, grotto
- Gräpel, Graepel
- Gras, grass
- Graß, grass
- Graund, gray
- Grazer Viertel, Graz district
- Grefi, Grefi
- Griff (Garnmaß), grip
- Grista, grista
- Griwenka, hryvenka
- Grora, grandma
- Gros, gross
- Groß-Seitel, Großseitel, Seitel, Groß-pagel, :Großseitel, seitel
- Großkufe, large skid
- Guhn, guhn
- Guinon (Flächenmaß), Guinon
- Gunda, Gunda
- Gunschah, Gunshah
- Guz, good
- Guze, Guze
- Hacienda, hacienda
- Haidscheffel, haidscheffel
- Halbfass, half barrel
- Halibiu, halibiu
- Hamma, hamma
- Handelsmaß, commercial measure
- Handschuh, Glove
- Hani, hani
- Hank, hank
- Hannega, hannega
- Hao, hey
- Hardary, hardary
- Harra, hara
- Harsela, harsela
- Haspelknipp, reel snap
- Hath, hath
- Hatur, hatur
- Haufen, heap
- Havelboden, havelboden
- Havot, havot
- Heer, army
- Heft, notebook
- Hehlo, heh lo
- Hehloh, heh oh
- Heimbzen, heimbzen
- Helfchen, helper
- Hemmel, hemel
- Henkemann, henkeman
- Henu, henu
- Heqat, heqat
- Hesp, hesp
- Heuklafter, hay cords
- Himpten, himpten
- Hin, there
- Hindasah, hindasah
- Hintare, rear
- Hiro, hiro
- Hofzeile, courtyard row
- Hogshead, hogshead
- Hold, hold
- Hole, hole
- Holster, holster
- Holzklafter, wood cord
- Holzmäß, wood measure
- Holzstoß, pile of wood
- Hom, home
- Hommée, hommee
- Hoop, hoop
- Hose, trousers
- Hot, hot
- Hufenrute, hoof rod
- Hultaine, hultaine
- Hund, dog
- Hundesmühler Torfkorb : Torfkorb, Torf, torf, Korb, korb, hundesmühler peat basket : peat basket, peat, peat, basket, basket
- Hundredweight, hundredweight
- Hut, cap
- Hutte, hut
- Hüttenfuder, hüttenfuder
- Hüttenhundert, cottage hundred
- Hüttenkanne, cottage pot
- Hüttenkorb, cottage basket
- Hüttenkübel, cottage bucket
- Hüttentausend, cottage thousand
- Hüvelyk, huvelyk
- Hvat, hvat
- Iarda ionia, iarda ionia
- Icze, ice
- Imbuto, imbuto
- Imoja, imoja
- Ingistara, ingistara
- Innerberger Faß, innerberg barrel
- Invel, level
- Irdabb, irdabb
- Issaron, issaron
- Iteru, iteru
- Itur, itur
- Jacob, jacob
- Jalka, yalka
- Jalois, blinds
- Jarbe, jarbe
- Jarre, jarre
- Jetz, now
- Jidde, yidd
- Joch : joch, yoke, yoke : yoke, yoke
- Jod, iodine
- Jodschan, jojan
- Jornal, journal
- Journal, journal
- Journee, journee
- Juchart, juchart
- Juck (Flächenmaß), itch
- Judenmaß, jewish measure
- Jungfrur, virginity
- Juta, juta
- Jutte, jutte
- Kab, cab
- Kabel, cable
- Kabiet, cabinet
- Kad, cad
- Kadam, kadam
- Kadem, cadem
- Kahn, barge
- Kahun, kahun
- Kail, kai
- Kaila, kaila
- Kalk-Ballje, kalk-ballje
- Kalkmüthel, kalkmuthel
- Kama, kama
- Kameralschuh, camera shoe
- Kamień, kamień
- Kammer-Morgen, chamber morning
- Kammergutsklafter, kammergutsklafter
- Kan, can
- Kanan, kanan
- Kandil, candile
- Kanonenschussweite, gun range
- Kanta, canta
- Kante, edge
- Kantje, kantje
- Kantor, cantor
- Kanu, canoe
- Kanzleiformat, office format
- Kap, cape
- Kapanala, kapanala
- Kappar, kappar
- Karch, karch
- Kardele, kardele
- Karine, karine
- Karre, cart
- Karschetz, karschetz
- Kärtchen, card
- Kartos, cartons
- Kasab, kasab
- Kast, box
- Kasten, crate
- Katasterfuß, cadastral foot
- Katasterrute, cadastral route
- Katastraljoch, cadastral yoke
- Kätti, katti
- Käwä, kawa
- Keel, keel
- Keg, bowl
- Kélé, kele
- Ken, ken
- Kessel, boiler
- Kettenfuß, chain foot
- Ketvirtes, ketvirtes
- Keub, keub
- Kiepe, box
- Kila, kila
- Kiliare, kiliare
- Kilo, kilo
- Kinjon, kinjon
- Kiping, kiping
- Kippunta, kippunta
- Kiste, box
- Kite, kite
- Kjuli, kjuli
- Kleinmedian, small median
- Kleinroyal, small royal
- Klem, clamp
- Kleuder, sling
- Klipper, clipper
- Kłoda, kloda
- Klupper, klupper
- Kluppet, kluppet
- Knipp, snap
- Kobbit, kobbit
- Koda, coda
- Koffada, koffada
- Kohlenkorb, coal basket
- Kohlenmalter, coal painter
- Kohlensack, coal sack
- Kohlenstübich, coal room
- Koku, koku
- Kola, kola
- Kole, cole
- Konew, konev
- Königsberger Scheffel : Scheffel, scheffel, königsberger scheffel : scheffel, scheffel
- Königsgewicht, kingweight
- Kopf, head
- Köpfchen, brains
- Köpfel, heads
- Kopna, kopna
- Koppo, koppo
- Kornfaß, grain barrel
- Korzec, korzec
- Kosa, kosa
- Koß, koss
- Kost, fare
- Kot, feces
- Kouza, kouza
- Krämer-Elle, Kramer elle
- Kramergewicht, Kramer weight
- Kranz, wreath
- Kravele, kravele
- Kreuzscheffel, cross bushel
- Krippe, crib
- Kro, kro
- Kroes, kroes
- Krone, crown
- Kross, crispy
- Krötel, dumplings
- Krues, krues
- Krüppel, cripple
- Kruschka, kruschka
- Kubikfeldrute, cubic field rod
- Kubikingenieurrute, cubic engineer rod
- Kubiktoise, cubic toise
- Küchenmaß (Leipziger Volumenmaß), kitchen measure
- Kucke, look
- Kufe, skid
- Kuhl, cool
- Kuhweide, cow pasture
- Kula, kula
- Kulaç, kulaç
- Kulack, kulack
- Kulah, kulah
- Kuli, pen
- Kulmet, culmet
- Kumm, cum
- Kumme, crest
- Kummt, cums
- Kunke, kunke
- Küpfli, küpfli
- Kuplenik, kuplenik
- Kuritz, kuritz
- Kurr, curr
- Kursächsische Postmeile, kursächsisch, Postmeile, electoral saxon post mile, electoral saxon, post mile
- Kurwar, kurwar
- Kut, kut
- Kútur, culture
- Kwarta, kwarta
- Kwaterka, kwaterka
- Kweh, kweh
- Labor, laboratory
- Lädi, shops
- Ladre, loader
- Laep, lap
- Laib, loaf
- Lamyet, lamyet
- Lan, lan
- Lana, lana
- Land-Wüppe, land-wüppe
- Landfass, country barrel
- Langenthaler Elle, Langenthal ell
- Last, load
- Łaszt, laszt
- Latte, bar
- Laut, noisy
- Lavot, lavot
- Ławka, lawka
- Lea, leah
- Ledi, led
- Leengs, leengs
- Lega metrica, lega metrica
- Legana, legana
- Legge-Elle, leg-ell
- Leghe, leghe
- Legua, league
- Légua, league
- Lehen, fief
- Leinsaat-Tonne, linseed bin
- Lestall, lestall
- Li, li
- Libbra, libbra
- Libreta, libreta
- Liretta, liretta
- Lispfund, lipound
- Litron, liters
- Littre, little
- Livre Poids de table, livre poids de table
- Livre usuelle, livery usual
- Load, load
- Loán, loan
- Loch, hole
- Lofstelle, loft point
- Log, log
- Lögel, lion
- Loip, track
- Łokieć, Łokieć
- Lokot, locomotive
- Long, long
- Loof, loop
- Lopp, lop
- Lowry, lowry
- Loxa, loxa
- Lumini, lumini
- Lüong, luong
- Łut, loud
- Lütticher Fuß, liege foot
- Maal, mal
- Macque, macque
- Madschar, majar
- Magdeburger Maß, Magdeburg measure
- Maggio, maggio
- Mahl (Feldmaß), meal
- Maik, mike
- Maille, maille
- Main, main
- Maiß, corn
- Majon, mayon
- Makkūk, makkuk
- Mal’ackah, mal'ackah
- Malenka, malenka
- Mallal, mallal
- Malouah, malouah
- Malter, paint
- Malterbank, paint bench
- Maltersaat, paint seed
- Malterscheid, malterscheid
- Managoga, managoga
- Manchadi, manchadi
- Mandel (Garn), almond
- Mändelgewicht, almond weight
- Mane, mane
- Mann, man
- Manne, man
- Mannikah, manikah
- Mannsgrab, man grave
- Mannsmack, man mack
- Mannsschnitz, man carving
- Mannstuhl, man chair
- Mano, mano
- Manojita, manojita
- Mansja, mansia
- Maquia, maquia
- March, march
- Marco, marco
- Margel, margel
- Marhale, marshall
- Markal, markal
- Markka, markka
- Marktscheffel, market bushel
- Marktviertel, market district
- Marque, brand
- Marschrute, marching rod
- Mäs, ms
- Masha, masha
- Mäß, measure
- Mäßchen, measure
- Mäßli, moderate
- Mastello, mastello
- Masu, masu
- Matika, matika
- Matrikularrute, matricular rod
- Matt, frosted
- Mau, mau
- Mauerrute, wall rod
- Mazzo, matzo
- Mecmeda, mecmeda
- Medara, medara
- Media, media
- Medimno, medimno
- Medio, medium
- Meen, meen
- Meeß, meess
- Meh, meh
- Meitadella, meitadella
- Mejo, mejo
- Membrure, membrane
- Memecda, memecda
- Mensinalo, mensinalo
- Merföld, merfold
- Merte, merte
- Meschok, meshok
- Meß, meas
- Meßle, messle
- Mesure, measure
- Mesurette, mesurette
- Metadella, metadella
- Meterzentner, hundredweight
- Metretes, metretes
- Mettar, mettar
- Metze (Hohlmaß), butcher
- Meuk, meuk
- Mezzacanna, mezzacanna
- Mezzarola, mezzarola
- Mezzetta, mezzetta
- Mezzino, mezzino
- Mhörri, mhoerri
- Miam, miam
- Michetta, michetta
- Migamuto, migamuto
- Migliaro, migliaro
- Miglio, miglio
- Mil Tunsi, mil tunsi
- Míla á landi, mila a landi
- Mila, mila
- Milchkanne, milk can
- Mile, miles
- Milha, miha
- Milheiro, milheiro
- Milimetr, millimeters
- Millar, millar
- Millerolle, mill roll
- Millier, miller
- Milwa, milwa
- Mina, mine
- Minale, minerals
- Minde, at least
- Mine (Volumeneinheit), mine
- Minello, minello
- Mingel, mingle
- Minkel, minkel
- Minot, minot
- Minuto, minute
- Mirka, mirka
- Miro, miro
- Mirze, mirza
- Misura, misura
- Mite, middle
- Mithqāl, mithqal
- Mitjeta, mitjeta
- Mitlein, fellow
- Mittmel, mean
- Möckerchen, mockery
- Modillo, modillo
- Moeda, moeda
- Moggia, Moggio, moggia, moggio
- Moio, moio
- Moja, moja
- Mojah, mojah
- Mokkapfund, mocha fund
- Mokuk, mokuk
- Molt, molt
- Momme, mom
- Mondello, mondello
- Monkelzer, monkelzer
- Monscha, monscha
- Monton, monton
- Moose, mosses
- Mora, mora
- Morah, morah
- Morgow, morgov
- Mostachi, mostachi
- Mote, mote
- Motika, motika
- Mött, mot
- Mötte, moth
- Motureau, motoreau
- Moule, moule
- Mozetta, mozzetta
- Mucil, mucil
- Mucke, mosquito
- Mujada, mujada
- Mulde, trough
- Müllermäßel, miller's knife
- Mummenfass, mummy barrel
- Murah, murah
- Murais, murais
- Musse, leisure
- Musselinstab, muslin rod
- Mustachio, mustachio
- Mutchkin, mutchkin
- Muth, courage
- Mütt, mother
- Müttle, muettle
- Myria, myria
- Nächterle, nocturnal
- Nacti, nacti
- Najiguré, najiguré
- Nanque, nanque
- Nanqui, nanqui
- Napf, bowl
- Naula, naula
- Nelikko, nelikko
- Nelikorn, nelikorn
- Nelli, nelly
- Nen, nope
- Nengō, nengo
- NER, Ner, ner (Mesopotamien), ner
- Neuvaine, neuvaine
- Ngu, ngu
- Niederungarischer Eimer : Eimer, Lower Hungarian bucket : bucket
- Nietro, nietro
- Niou, niou
- Nippur-Elle, nippur ell
- Nir, nir
- Nochud, nochud
- Noeud, noeud
- Norwegische Grenzmeile : Grenzmeile, Norwegian border mile : border mile
- Nösel, nitpick
- Nowtauk, nowtauk
- Nuchut, nuchut
- Nytur, nature
- Obole, obole
- Obrada, obrada
- Occa, ok
- Ochava, ochava
- Ochavillo, ochavillo
- Ödenburger Eimer, Ödenburg bucket
- Odre, orre
- Oel, oil
- Oertchen, town
- Ofener Metzen, Ofener metzen
- Ofner Handelspfund : Handelspfund, Ofner trading pound : trading pound
- Ohmkanne, ohm can
- Oitava, oitava
- Okaw, ok
- Oke thapas, ok thapas
- Okka, okka
- Okruch, okruch
- Ol, oil
- Oldenburger Polizeimeile : Polizeimeile, oldenburg police mile: police mile
- Olluck, olluck
- Opera, opera
- Oredish, oredish
- Orena, orena
- Orgyie, orgyy
- Orna, orna
- Ort, location
- Orthodoron, orthodoron
- Öseammer, Öseammer
- Osmachka, osmachka
- Osmina, osmina
- Ottavo, ottavo
- Ouv, ov
- Ouvrier, ouvrier
- Ovalo, ovalo
- Oxhufoud, oxhufoud
- Paal, paal
- Paar, few
- Pacco, pacco
- Pace, pace
- Pagliazzo, pagliazzo
- Pagode, pagoda
- Pahaw, pahaw
- Pajock, pajock
- Pakka, pakka
- Pala, pala
- Palaiste, palaces
- Palaz, palace
- Paletz, paletz
- Palgat, palgat
- Paliza, paliza
- Pallasmina, pallasmina
- Palmacu, palmacu
- Palmipes, palmipes
- Pan, pan
- Panache, panache
- Panal, panel
- Panching, panning
- Panilla, panilla
- Pänne, mishaps
- Panni, panny
- Panno, panno
- Panoro, panorama
- Parcetto, parquet
- Pariser Stich, Stich, Paris stitch, stich
- Parm, parm
- Parmak, parmak
- Parms, parms
- Paro, paro
- Part, part
- Partie, lot
- Parto, parto
- Pasme, pasme
- Passetto, passetto
- Passo, passport
- Paulgaut, paulgaut
- Pause, break
- Pazeiden, pazeids
- Pe, pe
- Peck, peck
- Pecul, pecul
- Peerer, peer
- Peerne, peers
- Péga, pega
- Pegel, level
- Peh, peh
- Penal, penalty
- Pennel, pennel
- Pennyweight, pennyweight
- Peonada, peonada
- Pera, pera
- Perch, perches
- Percha, percha
- Perche, perch
- Periot, periot
- Perma, permanent
- Perrée, perree
- Pertica, pertica
- Pesada, pesada
- Pesata, pesata
- Pesau, pesau
- Pesinale, pesinale
- Peso, peso
- Petricon, petricon
- Peymāne, peymāne
- Pezza, pezza
- Pfahl, stake
- Pfahlhaufen, pile pile
- Pfanne, pan
- Pferdelast, horse load
- Pfiff, whistle
- Pflug, plow
- Pfundensalz, pound salt
- Pfundmaß, pound measure
- Phan, phan
- Pherra, pherra
- Pichoune, pichoune
- Picotin, picotine
- Pié, pie
- Pièce, piece
- Pied carré, pied carre
- Piede, piede
- Piędź, piedz
- Piffche, piffche
- Pignata, pignata
- Pignatelia, pignatelia
- Pik, spades
- Piki, piki
- Pim (Währungseinheit), pim
- Pinaki, pinaki
- Pintchen, pinch
- Pio, pio
- Pipa, pipa
- Pipor, pipor
- Pipot, pipot
- Piquet, piquet
- Piset, piset
- Pisoth, pisoth
- Pjaterik, pyaterik
- Planke, plank
- Plethron, plethrone
- Pognerée, pogneree
- Pognou, pognou
- Pognoul, pognoul
- Pogone, pogone
- Poinçon, poincon
- Poiseuille, poiseuille
- Poisson, poisson
- Pojack, pojack
- Półbeczka, polbeczka
- Pole, poles
- Półkorzec, polkorzec
- Pollam, pollam
- Pollegada, pollegada
- Pollice, police
- Poloniko, poloniko
- Polosmina, polosmina
- Polugarnetz, polar network
- Polukruschka, polukrushka
- Polutschetwerik, Polish etwerik
- Poncelet, poncelet
- Pontes, pontes
- Poplata, popplata
- Porca, porca
- Poronkusema, poronkusema
- Porrone, porrone
- Pose, pose
- Possessione, possession
- Post, post
- Poststation, mail station
- Pottle, pottle
- Pouce, pouce
- Pougneree, pougneree
- Prahm, pram
- Prăjină, prăjina
- Praschtschine, praschchine
- Pręcik, pręcik
- Pressburger Eimer, Pressburg bucket
- Preßburger Metzen, Pressburg metzen
- Pręt, pret
- Preußische Tonne, Prussian ton
- Priesterhufe, priest hooves
- Prime, prime
- Probe, sample
- Proche, proche
- Provenda, provenda
- Pud, pud
- Puddalum, puddalum
- Puddy, puddy
- Puhm, phew
- Pulgada, pulgada
- Puncheon, puncheon
- Punchoo, punchoo
- Punko, punk
- Punto, punto
- Pus, whoop
- Pusseree, pusseree
- Put, put
- Pütsche, coups
- Pütt, putt
- Qabda, qabda
- Qadah (Hohlmaß), qadah
- Qafīz, qafiz
- Qalba, qalba
- Qama, qama
- Qasaba, qasaba
- Qintār, qintar
- Quadrat-Milla, square milla
- Quadratingenieurrute, square engineer rod
- Quadrato, square
- Quadrattoise, square toise
- Quardeel, quardeel
- Quart (Garnmaß), quart
- Quarta, quarter
- Quartana, quartana
- Quartane, quartan
- Quartant, quarant
- Quartaro, quartar
- Quartarolo, quartarolo
- Quartaut, quartert
- Quartel, quarter
- Quartera, quartera
- Quarterolle, quarter roll
- Quarteron, quarteron
- Quarterona, quarterona
- Quarterono, quarterono
- Quarticello, quarticello
- Quartier, quarter
- Quartier, quarter
- Quartierchen, quarter
- Quartiere, quarter
- Quartiero, quarter
- Quartiglio, quartlio
- Quartilho, quartilho
- Quartino, quartino
- Quärtli, quarterly
- Quarto, quarto
- Quartuccio, quartuccio
- Quartuncia, quartuncia
- Quattrino, quattrino
- Queleh, queleh
- Quentchen, bite
- Queue, queue
- Quintli, quintli
- Quire, quire
- Rachel, rachel
- Rachen, throat
- Rachim, rachim
- Racione, racione
- Raga, raga
- Rahel, rachel
- Raliza, raliza
- Rame, rame
- Rancho, rancho
- Rand, edge
- Rango, rango
- Ras, ras
- Rasa, rasa
- Rasiera, razor
- Rasière, razor
- Rasta, rasta
- Rati, ratio
- Rattel, rattle
- Raye, raye
- Real, real
- Recherchée, research
- Recke, warrior
- Reep, reep
- Refe, reference
- Rége, rege
- Reif, ripe
- Reis, rice
- Reise, trip
- Reiss, tear
- Remel, remel
- Respe, resp
- Reve, reve
- Rez, rec
- Rezal, rezal
- Rheinländischer Fuß, Rhineland foot
- Riem, strap
- Rimpel, rimple
- Ringel (Bergbau), ringlet
- Riomeh, riomeh
- Rittermäß, knightly
- Robada, robada
- Robo, robot
- Rohr (Mesopotamien), rohr
- Röhrel, tube
- Röhrli, rohrli
- Roik, roik
- Rolle, role
- Rood, room
- Roof, roof
- Room, room
- Ropani, ropani
- Roquille, roquille
- Rosca, rosca
- Rose, rose
- Roß, horse
- Rostzwitter, hermaphrodite
- Rowley mile, rowley miles
- Rubbiacella, rubbiacella
- Rubbiatella, rubbiatella
- Rubbio, rubbio
- Rubʿ (Hohlmaß), rub'
- Ruggi, ruggi
- Rula, rula
- Rummel, hype
- Rump, torso
- Rundlet, rundlet
- Ründsel, trunk
- Ruota, ruota
- Rupy, rupees
- Rut, ruth
- Rutting, rubbing
- Saat, seed
- Sabbitha, sabbitha
- Sabitha, sabitha
- Sacare, sacare
- Saccata, saccata
- Sacco, bag
- Saccoron, saccoron
- Sad, sad
- Sadang, sadang
- Sadon, sadon
- Säfter, juicer
- Saga, saga
- Saggio, saggio
- Sagine, sagine
- Sahm, cream
- Sait, string
- Salma, salma
- Salzkorb, salt basket
- Salzmäß, salt measure
- Salzmetzen, saltmasons
- Salzviertel, salt district
- Sama, sama
- San, san
- Sao, sao
- Sapca, sapca
- SAR, Sar, sar (Mesopotamien), sar, sar, sar
- Sarplar, sarplar
- Saschen, saschen
- Saß, sat
- Sat, sat
- Satel, satellite
- Satz, sentence
- Saucatta, saucatta
- Saum, hem
- Sążeń, sążeń
- Sazo, sazo
- Schacht, shaft
- Schachtmaß, shaft dimension
- Schachtrute, shaft rod
- Schachtwerk, mine
- Schag, shhh
- Schagar, shagar
- Schah-Gheray, shah Gheray
- Schapp, schapp
- Schatt, shadow
- Scheerhaspel, shear reel
- Scheffelsaat, bushel seed
- Schekel, shekel
- Scherbe, shard
- Schesep, scheep
- Schett, schett
- Schichtschuh, shift shoe
- Schiene, rail
- Schiffsfuß, foot of ship
- Schilltonne, shell barrel
- Schineck, shineck
- Schinek, bacon
- Schirgel, reeds
- Schlöpp, slip
- Schmackpfund, tasty pound
- Schmaltonne, narrow barrel
- Schmitz, schmitz
- Schober, rick
- Schock, shock
- Schokoladengewicht, chocolate weight
- Schoot, shoot
- Schragen, trays
- Schrott, scrap metal
- Schuufke, schuukke
- Schweizer Elle, Swiss ell
- Schweizer Fuss, Swiss foot
- Schweizer, Swiss, swiss
- Scodella, scodella
- Score, score
- Seam, seam
- Sechsting, sixth
- Sechter, sechter
- Sechys, sechys
- Sechzehnerli, sixteen
- Sechziger, sixties
- Sediceno, sediceno
- Seer, sear
- Sefter, sever
- Seidel, tankard
- Seipud, seipud
- Seitel, page
- Selemi, selemi
- Selga, selga
- Sen, sen
- Sephel, sephel
- Sereth, sereth
- Serpler, serpler
- Sesma, sesma
- Seste, seste
- Setier, setier
- Setine, setine
- Seyra, seyra
- Shakkanhō, shakkanho
- Shaku, shaku
- Shō, shō
- Sicca, sicca
- Sihr, sir
- Sila, sila
- Simri, simri
- Sinquena, sinquena
- Sipmaß, sip measure
- Sitarion, sitarion
- Sitio, location
- Sivadiere, sivadiere
- Sixto, sixto
- Skalenpfund, scale pounds
- Skein, skein
- Skrinda, skrinda
- Slug, slug
- Soalli, soalli
- Socha, socha
- Sock, socks
- Soglio, soglio
- Soldatenmarsch, soldiers march
- Soline, soline
- Solive, soleive
- Sollotuch, sollo cloth
- Solota, zolota
- Solotnik, solotnik
- Somma, somma
- Somme, summer
- Sommer, summer
- Sompi, sompi
- Sonu, son
- Sorokowaja-Botschka, sorokovaya-bochka
- Sotka, sotka
- Souroutont, souroutont
- Span, span
- Spanisches Münzwesen, spanish coinage
- Spann, instep
- Spanne (Längenmaß), span
- Spannland, spanland
- Spazzo, spazzo
- Speckgewicht, bacon weight
- Speckhäuslegewicht, bacon house weight
- Spindle, spindle
- Spint, locker
- Spithame, spithame
- Spon, spon
- Spuhl, spool
- Ssorokowoi, sorokovoi
- St.-Thomas-Gewicht, st. thomas weight
- Stab, rod
- Stabel, stick
- Stäble, sticks
- Stack of wood, stack of wood
- Stadion (Längenmaß), stadium
- Stafrum, stafrum
- Stajolo, stajolo
- Stajuolo, stajuolo
- Stalln, stables
- Stamni, stamni
- Stamno, stamno
- Standard, default
- Stang, pole
- Stange, pole
- Stangiew, stangiew
- Stânjen, stanjen
- Stapel, stack
- Stapp, step
- Star, star
- Starata, starata
- Starello, starello
- Starland, starland
- Startin, startin
- Stathme, stathme
- Stauscheffel, storage bushel
- Stecken, put
- Steften, stesten
- Steinbrecher Fuß, stone crusher foot
- Steinkohlentonne, hard coal barrel
- Steinschuh, stone shoe
- Steuerquartier, control quarters
- Steuertonne, tax barrel
- Stibich, stibich
- Stiege, stairs
- Stier, bull
- Stiftsviertel, collegiate district
- Stig, stig
- Stil, style
- Stingene, sting genes
- Stioro, stioro
- Stippich, stippich
- Stochiacah, stochiacah
- Stock, floor
- Stof, fabric
- Stone, stone
- Stoop, stoop
- Stopa sześcienna, stopa sześcienna
- Stopa, stopa
- Stopello, stopello
- Stoß, bump
- Stotze, stomp
- Straßenrute, street rod
- Strecke, route
- Streif, stripes
- Stremma, strema
- Stremo, stromo
- Strich (Rekrutenmaß), dash
- Strike, strike
- Strohgeflechtmaß, straw mesh size
- Stübchen, room
- Stube, parlour
- Stück (Garnmaß), piece
- Stückfass, barrel
- Stückle, pieces
- Stuef, step
- Stuhl, chair
- Stundenfuß, hour foot
- Stürnitze, fall nip
- Stutz, support
- Stütze, support
- Subban, subban
- Succalo, succalo
- Sukat, sukat
- Sukurrudscha, sukurruja
- Surch, surch
- Süß, sweet
- Szestnastki, szestnastki
- Sznur, sznur
- Ta, ta
- Tael, valley
- Tagbau, open pit
- Tagehri, daily
- Tagmatt, daymat
- Tagpolo, day polo
- Tagwerk (Torf), tagwerk
- Taille, waist
- Taim, taim
- Taing, taing
- Talacsan, talacsan
- Talent, talent
- Tan, tan
- Tank, tank
- Tanko, tanko
- Tappit Hen, tappit hen
- Tarca, tarca
- Tarea, tarea
- Tarma, tarma
- Tary, tary
- Tasū, tasu
- Tat, did
- Tatami, tatami
- Tause, thousand
- Tausend, thousand
- Tavola, tavola
- Tazza, tazza
- Teccalis, teccalis
- Teersjen, teersjen
- Teffé, teffe
- Tehr, dear
- Teman, teman
- Temen, themes
- Ten, ten
- Tenn, tenn
- Teon, teon
- Tephach, tephach
- Termino, term
- Terz, third
- Terzo, terzo
- Tesa, tape
- Teut, German
- Thas, tha
- That, that
- Thaue, thaw
- Thit, it
- Thread, thread
- Thuok, thuok
- Thwa, thwa
- Tibero, tibero
- Tierze, animals
- Tigday, day
- Timber, timber
- Tinaja, tinaja
- Tinne, tin
- Tippree, tippree
- Tipree, tipree
- Tircon, tircon
- Tischauffera, table display
- Tjäretönde, tjäretonde
- Tjog, tjog
- To, to
- Todi, todi
- Toftrute, toft rod
- Toise, toise
- Tol, great
- Tola, tola
- Tolon, tolon
- Tomand, tomand
- Tomine, tomine
- Tomolo, tomolo
- Tompong, tompong
- Tonel, tonel
- Tonelada, tonelada
- Tonneau, tonneau
- Topf, pot
- Töpfchen, potty
- Topon, topon
- Topp, top
- Toque, toque
- Torentura, torentura
- Torfkorb, peat basket
- Torflast, peat load
- Tornadura, tornadura
- Tornatura, tornatura
- Totschka, tochka
- Touque, toque
- Tovar, tovar
- Töver, tover
- Trabucco, trabucco
- Traelastlaest, traelastlast
- Trait, trait
- Trapeso, trapeso
- Tratto, tratto
- Treiben, to drive
- Trentaine, trentaine
- Treseau, treseau
- Tresseau, tresseau
- Trinkl, drink
- Troinik, troinik
- Troubahouache, troubahouache
- Truche, truches
- Truss, truss
- Truster, trustee
- Tschan, chan
- Tschanta, chanta
- Tschārak, charak
- Tscharka, charka
- Tschaska, chaska
- Tscheharek, cheharek
- Tschetwerik, chetwerik
- Tschetwerka, chetetverka
- Tschetwert, chet value
- Tschetwertinka, chetvertinka
- Tuckea, tuckea
- Tuda, tuda
- Tun, do
- Túndagslátta, túndagslátta
- Tung, tung
- Tunke, dip
- Tunna, tunna
- Tuoppi, tuoppi
- Tura, turah
- Tussoo, tussoo
- Tuuma, tuuma
- Tynnyri, tynnyri
- Tynnyrilästi, tynnyrilästi
- Ueba, ueba
- Ujana, ujana
- Uncia, uncia
- Uncja, uncja
- Uper, up
- Uperken, uperken
- Ur, ur
- Urna, urn
- Urup, urup
- UŠ, Uš, uš (Mesopotamien)
- Usbek, uzbek
- Vaaksa, vaaksa
- Vaam, vaam
- Vaatje, vaatje
- Vakia, vakia
- Vakie, vakie
- Vakir, vakir
- Vaneza, vaneza
- Vara de rivera, vara de rivera
- Varahun, varahun
- Varenne, varenne
- Vari, vari
- Variciacho, variciacho
- Variciaco, variciaco
- Vassa, vassa
- Vat, father
- Vatje, dad
- Veder, veder
- Veerker, veerker
- Veissel, vehicle
- Veka, veka
- Velte, velte
- Vergée, forgée
- Verktum, sale
- Vermessungsfuß, survey foot
- Verp, package
- Verre, re
- Versine, verses
- Versokka, versokka
- Versura, versura
- Vesno, vesno
- Vicomtegewicht, viscount weight
- Vierdup, four-dup
- Vierfaß, four barrel
- Vierling, four of a kind
- Viernling, quadruplet
- Viernsel, viernsel
- Viertel, quarter
- Viertele, quarter
- Viertelein, quarter
- Viertelgescheid, quarter
- Vierteli, quarter
- Viertelspann, quarter span
- Vilcadé, vilcade
- Vingtaine, vingtaine
- Viraganidé, viraganide
- Virnzel, virnzel
- Virsta, virsta
- Virte, virte
- Vödör, voeder
- Vog, vog
- Voie, voie
- Vorling, forerunner
- Voua, voua
- Voule, volume
- Vretene, vretene
- Vussa, vussa
- Wadra, wadra
- Wadschab, wajab
- Wag, dare
- Wagen, car
- Währing, currency
- Waiba, waiba
- Waldfuß, forest foot
- Waldklafter, forest fathom
- Waldreif, forest frost
- Wall, wall
- Wall, wall
- Wanne, tub
- Wari, wari
- Watner, watner
- Weberelle, weberell
- Wecht, wech
- Wedro, wedro
- Wehr, weir
- Welle, wave
- Wende, turn
- Wente, wente
- Werk, plant
- Werschok, vershok
- Werst, verst
- Westfälische Meile, Westphalian mile
- Wey, wey
- Wiadro, wiadro
- Wiedel, wiedel
- Wiener Eimer, Viennese bucket
- Wihimpten, wimping
- Windel, diaper
- Wispel, wisp
- Włóka, włóka
- Wurf, throw
- Wusa, wusa
- Xatague, xatague
- Yosane, yosane
- Yugada, yugada
- Yük, yuk
- Yuta, yuta
- Zaim, zaim
- Zain, zain
- Zappada, zappada
- Zarf, zaff
- Zatou, zatou
- Zavah, zavah
- Zehntel, tenth
- Zeidelheide, zeidelheide
- Zeile, line
- Zenge, zenge
- Zer, cer
- Zerla, zerla
- Ziment, cement
- Zimmer, room
- Zimmerfuß, room foot
- Zirai, zirai
- Zuber, zuber
- Zucca, zucca
- Zug, train
- Zulast, load
- Zuoja, zuoja
- Zurlo (Gewichtsmaß), zurlo (measure of weight)
- Zwölfter, twelfth