Vietnamese Wiktionary

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Vietnamese Wiktionary

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 12:04, 25 December 2013

FYI, back in October, I developed a new entry wizard for the Vietnamese Wiktionary. (The gadget is on by default for all users.) I took a different approach with this wizard: you answer a set of questions, then press Next, at which point you get a chance to preview the wikitext and make corrections. Some of the highlights:

  • Automatically links key words in your definitions (using the API to search for compound words)
  • Sorts languages in the translations section
  • Pre-fills the regular inflection forms for English words
  • Provides a search bar for language dropdown menus
  • Provides access to the regular edit form the same way VisualEditor does: with a separate "Edit source" tab

The big giant caveat is that it only handles basic information at the moment. It'll take time for this gadget to mature, as I'm sure it has for the New Entry Creator.

I don't think the gadget would be directly portable to this wiki, due to major syntactic differences – the Vietnamese Wiktionary is very template-heavy thanks to early influence from Dutch Wiktionarians – but perhaps the workflow and jQuery UI code could be of use.

Here's the source code and a writeup in English. Go ahead and take it for a spin. The steps are:

  • Ngôn ngữ — language (required)
  • Từ loại — part of speech (required)
  • Biến cách — inflection (for the time being, only nouns, adjectives, and adverbs in English and Spanish)
  • Ngữ nghĩa — definitions (required)
  • Từ đồng nghĩa – synonyms
  • Bản dịch – translations (only shown for Vietnamese entries)

The wizard is intended to be used in conjunction with an autolinking gadget, a table of contents gadget, and a support library for mapping language codes to language names. Those components may be more reusable.

If you'd like further explanation/translation to better understand these gadgets, please let me know!

Minh Nguyễn (talk, contribs)11:46, 25 December 2013