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Latest comment: 3 years ago by Yotwen in topic Mediaeval Latin citation

Mediaeval Latin citation


The entry in the Trésor de la langue française informatisé for “ZÉNITH, subst. masc.” includes, as a citation of the Mediaeval Latin zenith, the text “1350, Thémon Juif ds Z. rom. Philol. t. 91, p. 490”. I don't know who Thémon Juif (= "Thémon the Jew"?) was, but it seems that he wrote something in 1350, which is cited in:

  • 1975 January, Kurt Baldinger, „Zum Übergang von der lateinischen zur französischen Fachterminologie im 14. Jahrhundert“ in Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, volume XCI, № 5/6, page 490

My local university's library holds that volume of the journal; I'll see if I can get a hold of what that citation refers to when I next visit the university. I post this note here more as an aide-mémoire for myself than anything else. — I.S.M.E.T.A. 21:55, 13 June 2015 (UTC)Reply

I've tracked down that citation, and it reads:
  • 1975 January, Kurt Baldinger, „Zum Übergang von der lateinischen zur französischen Fachterminologie im 14. Jahrhundert“ in Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, volume XCI, № 5/6, page 490, Übergang 14: ‚zenith/cenith‘:
    1350:   luna super zenith (S. 273 zweimal).
    Mfr.   cenith m. Oresme [DG, nach Meunier (Bossuat 1501)], zénith (seit 1527 [s. GdfC 10, 874b], few 19, 153a). Über die mlt. Fachsprache erhalten wir den ersten „vulgärsprachlichen“ Beleg für dieses auf wissenschaftlichem Weg aus dem Arab. entlehnte Wort.
Re the page reference for the 1350 Latin “luna super zenith” (viz. „S. 273 zweimal“ = “p[age] 273 twice”), cf.:
  • ibidem, page 485:
    Bei der Besprechung eines neuen Werkes zu Themo Judei¹ stieß ich auf einen bisher vernachlässigten Aspekt der Geschichte des französischen Wortschatzes.
    ¹ H e n r i H u g o n n a r d - R o c h e, L’œuvre astronomique de Thémon Juif, Maître parisien du XIVᵉ siècle, Genève (Droz)–Paris (Minard) 1973 (s. hier S. 553–555).
It would therefore appear that I now need to track down page 273 of Henri Hugonnard-Roche's 1973 L’œuvre astronomique de Thémon Juif, Maître parisien du XIVᵉ siècle… — I.S.M.E.T.A. 10:15, 25 June 2015 (UTC)Reply
I seem to have found the actual Mediaeval Latin text by “Thémon Juif”, an excerpt of which follows some concerns I have: The page on which zenith appears is 370 (not 273), it occurs only once (not twice) on that page, and it isn’t in the phrase “luna super zenith”. Google Book Search grants only a limited preview, which excludes page 273; it also excludes the table of contents, so the only title I have for this work of Thémon’s is “Articulus quartus” (“Fourth article”). Hmmm…
  • 1350, Thémon Juif, in: Henri Hugonnard-Roche, L’Œuvre astronomique de Thémon Juif maître parisien du XIVᵉ siècle (1973), “Articulus quartus”, 370:
    Ad argumentum luna in equalibus temporibus, antecedens est falsum, videlicet quod (v) in equalibus temporibus maiores angulos circa centrum mundi, ymmo minores, ut visum est in argumentis contra conclusionem prius. Et et[iam] concesso toto antecedente negatur consequentia, quoniam si Sortes curreret in terris vel prope centrum mundi describe[n]s angulum rectum in hora, resecans per zenith (w) capitis sui 4am zodyaci, propter hoc non moveretur velocius sole in zodyaco sed tardius, nisi velles concedere inconvenientia prius adducta, que nullus autor prius concesserit vel concessisset.
    (v) post quod add. ms. est.
    (w) zenith : tonit ms.
 — I.S.M.E.T.A. 21:29, 26 June 2015 (UTC)Reply
I'm only now researching for an article, when I fumbled over this site. So don't bother to tell me, I'm late. You find a full citation in the following PDF. It was beyond my French. Maybe you can enjoy it more than me. Or let it slip. Yotwen (talk) 06:42, 22 July 2021 (UTC)Reply