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This Proto-Austronesian entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.


Proto-Austronesian cardinal numbers
 <  3 4 5  > 
    Cardinal : *Səpat






  1. four

Derived terms

  • *Siwa (9) (possibly)


  • Formosan
    • Bunun: pat
    • Eastern Formosan
    • Northern Formosan
    • Northwestern Formosan
    • Paiwanic
    • Puyuma: pat
  • Proto-Malayo-Polynesian: *əpat
    • Proto-Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian: *əpat
      • Central Maluku
        • East Central Maluku
          • Seram
            • Masiwang: fāt
            • Nunusaku
              • Piru Bay
                • East Piru Bay
      • Central Malayo-Polynesian:
        • Sumba-Flores
          • Bima: upa
          • Ende-Manggarai
            • Central Flores
              • Ende-Li'o
                • Palu'e: pa
              • Rembong: pat
            • Manggarainese
          • Flores-Lembata
            • Kedang-Lamaholot
          • Sumba
            • Savu
            • Sumba Island
              • Sumbanese
        • Timor-Babar
          • Nuclear Timor
            • West Timor
              • Roti
          • Southwest Maluku – Kisar
      • Proto-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian: *pat
        • Proto-Halmahera-Cenderawasih: *pat
          • South Halmahera
            • Buli
              • Buli (Indonesia): fat
        • Proto-Oceanic: *pat
          • Admiralty Islands
            • Western Admiralty Islands
              • Wuvulu-Aua: fa
          • Central-Eastern Oceanic
            • East Fijian
              • Fijian: va
            • Proto-Polynesian: *fa
              • Nuclear Polynesian
                • Ellicean – Eastern Polynesian
                  • Anuta: pa
                  • Ellicean
                    • Kapingamarangi: haa
                  • Tuvalu – Eastern Polynesian
                    • Eastern Polynesian – Northern Outlier
                      • Eastern Polynesian
                        • Marquesic
                          • Hawaiian:
                          • South Marquesan: fa
                        • Rapa Nui: ha
                        • Tahitic
                          • Maori-Moriori
                          • Rarotongan: ā
              • Rennellese: haa
              • Samoan-Tokelauan
              • Tongic
          • Micronesian
            • Gilbertese: a
            • Nuclear Micronesian
              • Kosraean: ah-ŋ
              • Trukic
                • Ponapeic
                • Ulithian-Woleaian
          • Southern Oceanic
            • Central Vanuatu
              • Malakula
          • Western Oceanic
            • Meso-Melanesian
              • Core Meso-Melanesian
                • Saint Matthias
                  • Mussau-Emira: ata
            • North New Guinea
              • Ngero-Vitiaz
            • Papuan Tip
              • Nuclear Papuan Tip
                • North Papuan Mainland – D'Entrecasteaux
                  • Dobu-Duau
      • Kowiai: fat
      • Selaru
        • Selaru: at
      • Yamdena: fate / fat
    • Western Malayo-Polynesian: *əpat
      • Barito
        • East Barito
        • West Barito
          • Northwest Barito
      • North Bornean
        • North Sarawakan: *əpat
          • Berawan-Kelabitic
            • Kelabitic
          • Kayan-Murik
            • Kenyah
            • Modang-Kayan
              • Kayan
                • Kayan
                  • Rejang Kayan: pat
          • Melanau-Bintulu
            • Bintulu: pat
            • Melanau
              • Central Melanau: pat
      • Proto-Philippine: *əpat
        • Greater Central Philippine
          • Central Philippine
            • Tagalog: apat
            • Visayan
              • Cebuano: upát
              • Central Visayan
                • Peripheral Visayan
              • Western Visayan
          • Gorontalo-Mongondow
            • Gorontalic
            • Mongondowic
          • Mindanao
            • Danao
          • Palawanic
            • Kalamian
              • Calamian Tagbanwa: epat
            • Palawan
        • Minahasan
          • North Minahasan
        • Northern Philippine
          • Northern Luzon
            • Northern Cordilleran
              • Cagayan Valley
              • Casiguran Dumagat Agta: epát
            • South-Central Cordilleran
              • Central Cordilleran
                • Nuclear Cordilleran
                  • Bontoc-Kankanay
                  • Ifugao
        • Sangiric: *əpat
        • Southern Mindanao
        • Southern Mindoro
      • Sama-Bajaw
        • Bajaw
      • Celebic
        • Southeast Celebic
          • Kaili-Pamona
            • Northern Kaili-Pamona
              • Pamona
            • Southern Kaili-Pamona
          • Muna-Buton
            • Muna-Buton Nuklear
              • Munan
                • Munic
                  • Western Munic
            • Wotu-Wolio
              • Wolio-Kamaru
      • Old Javanese: pat
      • Proto-Lampungic: *paʔ
      • Malayo-Sumbawan
      • Northwest Sumatran
        • Batak
          • Northern Batak
          • Southern Batak
        • Northern Barrier
          • Nias-Sikule
          • Simeulue: at
      • South Sulawesi
        • Bugis
        • Makassar
        • Northern South Sulawesi
  • Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*Sepat”, in the CLDF dataset from The Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–), →DOI