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New Thing

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Proper noun


the New Thing

  1. Free jazz music, as associated with the black civil rights movement.
    • 2002, Yuval Taylor, The Future of Jazz, page 178:
      I'm not sure if I understand Greg properly, but he seems to be arguing that the avant-garde is the "property" of black musicians, a "Black Thang," while somehow conflating "the New Thing" with all areas of free jazz.
    • 2008, Guerino Mazzola, Paul B. Cherlin, Flow, Gesture, and Spaces in Free Jazz:
      But where could the relocation of the free jazz movement take place, and how has this transfer action of the new thing been articulated by its protagonists?
    • 2015, Philippe Carles, Jean-Louis Comolli, Free Jazz/Black Power:
      The emergence of free jazz has only emphasized the issue of (white) commercial domination over jazz. Everything about the New Thing clashed with the habits of jazz lovers; []