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- This script lacks a documentation subpage. Please create it.
- Useful links: subpage list • links • redirects
if (mw.config.get("wgPageName") === "Special:Search")
$(document).ready(function($) {
var redlink = true;
var $a = $(".mw-search-createlink .new");
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href = $a.attr("href"),
$s = $(".searchresults");
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format: "json",
action: 'query',
generator: 'backlinks',
gbltitle: htitle,
gblnamespace: 0,
prop: 'revisions',
rvprop: 'content'
}, function(b) {
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b = b.query.pages;
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var c = b[i].revisions[0]['*'],
title = b[i].title,
r = new RegExp("\\n\\*+:?\\s+\\[?\\[?([^\\]:\\n]+)\\]?\\]?:[^\\n]*\\{\\{t[-+ø]?\\|([^|]+)\\|" + htitle + "(\\|[^\\}\\|]+)*\\}\\}", "g"),
rr = /\{\{trans-top(\|?[^\}]*)\}\}/g,
transtops = [];
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for (; m = r.exec(c);) {
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langname: m[1],
langcode: m[2]
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if (p && (p = p.split("=")).length === 2) {
mo[p[0].substr(1)] = p[1];
$("<a>", {
addClass: ( || "Latn") + " mention-" + ( || "Latn") + (redlink ? " new" : ""),
lang: mo.langcode,
href: href + (redlink ? "" : "#" + mo.langname),
style: "font-weight: 700;"
}).text(mo.alt || htitle))
.append(document.createTextNode(" is a" + ("AEIOU".indexOf(mo.langname.charAt(0)) === -1 ? " " : "n ") + mo.langname + " translation of the word "))
$("<a>", {
style: "font-weight: 700;",
href: "/wiki/" + title
.append(document.createTextNode((mo.gloss ? " (\"" + mo.gloss + "\")" : "") + ".")));