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English citations of anniversal and anniversall

  • 1635: Richard Brathwaite, Anniversaries upon his Panaret; continued: With her Contemplations, penned in the languishing time of her Sicknesse, “The second Yeeres Annivers”, lines 1–14
    Last yeare I wrote of my deare PANARET,
    To pay my dearest Deare her duest debt;
    But who is Hee knew her, and knoweth not
    How many things I in my Threnes forgot,
    Which should have been exprest? but such as wee
    Who share in griefes, fall short in memorie.
    This to supply with teare-distilling eye,
    Still to one Taske I must my selfe apply;
    For wee an Anniversall meane to reare
    In honour of her vertues ev’ry yeare:
    Where though our Pencyle cannot well set forth
    The riches of her goodnesse and true worth,
    It shall appeare wee have desire to doe it,
    By th’ ceremonious zeal wee beere unto it.
  • (Can we date this quote?): John Charles Cox [ed.], The Records of the Borough of Northampton, volume 2, page 385 (1898 publication; E. Stock)
    Item I bequethe fourthe of the same howse yerely for ever 3s. 4d. by the yere to fynde for me a dirige and anniversall mas once every yere within the saide church of All Saints for evermore.
  • (Can we date this quote?): The Ohio Historical Quarterly, volume 66, page 265 (1957 publication; Ohio Historical Society)
    An order issued for ushering in the anniversal day of the birth of our saviour with 15 rounds of the Artillery — & to allow the soldiers an extra jill of whiskey on the occasion.
  • 18th C.: Robert Arnold Aubin, Harvard Heroics: A Collection of Eighteenth-Century Verse Descriptions of Harvard College, page 18 (Harvard University Press)
    This anniversal Day the Youth appear
    To quit fair Science: their career
      Commences on the worldly stage.
    Their flutt’ring Hearts betray the anxious Care,
    They feel on Prospect of a Scene so rare,
      A Scene in which the human race engage.
  • 1753: Ephraim Chambers, Cyclopædia; or, An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences — Supplement, “Anniversary-Days”
    In some authors we also find it written anniversal.
  • 1796: John Bidlake, The Sea: A Poem; In Two Books, book II, page 26
    […] “Why try the dangerous wave to-day?
    Oft have I fear’d ſome dire miſhap, when thou
    Upon the faithleſs main haſt ſolace ſought,
    Where unknown horror lurks, and hidden ſnares.
    This day is ſacred to the rites of love;
    This anniverſal of the happy year
    Since firſt our hands we join’d; and mutual pledg’d
    Our faith. This happy day with me conſume;
    With me, I pray, and with our little race.”
  • 1839: Baron Edward Bulwer-Lytton, The Sea-Captain; or, The Birthright: A Drama, in five Acts, act I, scene II, lines 1–2
    It is the day — now five-and-twenty years
    Elapsed — the anniversal day of woe!
  • 1846: F. Crisp [ed.], The Agricultural Magazine and Journal of Scientific Farming, pages 97–98
    Its effects on pea crops are too visible to escape notice, the whole plant being soon clothed with it, as if coated with a cinereous wash. Hops, too, are notoriously affected by a similar plague, and during the last year scarce a field of wheat was free from the attacks of Erysiphe graminis, but probably from some favourable turn in the season did not seem to suffer from it. It is not probable that a sure remedy will ever be found for such a anniversal pest, to the developement of which all seasons seem favourable, and which is alike produced in the most sheltered and exposed aspects, and if, as is certain, though many true species exist, one or two forms are perfectly indifferent as to the plants on which they grow, it would be quite hopeless to attempt a remedy.
  • 1847: James Lyman Merrick, The Pilgrim’s Harp, page 133: “Anniversary”, verse 1
    This is an anniversal day,
    The tenth that, on my varied way
     O’er flood and land, appears;
    For since I left my native shore,
    A realm and scenes unknown t’ explore,
     Have passed eleven long years.
  • 1856, July–December: The Repertory of Patent Inventions: And Other Discoveries and Improvements in Arts, Manufactures, and Agriculture, volume XXVIII, page 368
    This substitute for the trunnion admits of anniversal motion of the gun within given limits.
  • 1889: André Matteson and William S. Hein & Company, The Law, volume 1, page 214 (Bernhard Meuser)
    Our joys are of the mystic sort
    That in themselves contain a mort-
    gage on the “Spice of Life,”
    Though since last anniversal date
    Have been two brethren reprobate
    “Attaching” each a wife.
  • 1903: Ruth McEnery Stuart, “Petty Larceny”, in The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, volume 66, page 767 (The Century Co.)
    [“]I got a letter — here it is — a letter f’om de president o’ Pompton College down heah at Yaller Briar Wells, an’ dey wants me to come an’ fiddle for ‛em at dey anniversal hops, every night o’ de beginnin’ — de commencement, I b’lieve he say.[”]
  • 1905: Canada Department of Labour, The Labour Gazette, volume 5, page 394 (self-published)
    The holding of an anniversal civic holiday in Ontario was discussed.
  • 1913: Yoshio Makino, When I Was a Child, page 57 (Houghton Mifflin Company)
    The King lamented extremely, and even now all the villagers around that mountain keep the anniversal day of Kai-Shi-Sui’s death; and they don’t use fire on the date, but have cold dishes.
  • 1914: Medical Herald, volume 33, page 180
    Soft breezes, birds and buds bring near
    The mystery of Spring, old — new;
    Thus anniversal days, most dear,
    The holiest of life renew.
  • 1957: Afghanistan Riyāsat-i Mustaqill-i Maṭbūʻāt, Afghanistan Direction générale des rélations culturelles, and Anjuman-i Tārīkh-i Afghānistān, Afghanistan, volume 12, page 16 (Historical Society of Afghanistan)
    When Dr, M.A. Soheyl, the Mayor of Kabul was invited to the 500 th Anniversal Feast of Tokyo City, in 1956 he wanted some architectural designers, and I was one whom Ministry of Construction has selected.
  • 1969: Harrison George, United States Illinois Northern District Court, The I.W.W. Trial, chapter XI, page 164
    AT 9 A. M. on August 1 every defendant appeared, wearing upon his breast two strips of silk ribbon, red and black, attached to a small button bearing the picture of Frank H. Little, and upon which were inscribed the words, “Remember August 1, 1917.” This anniversal tribute to the memory of our murdered fellow worker aroused no small comment among the deputies and court attaches.
  • 1972: Pan-African Journal, volume 7, page 261 (Pan-African Institute, Inc.)
    13 Haile Selassie’s Speech on the Anniversal of his coronation September 18, 1959.
  • 1974: Yakubu Gowon, With Peace and Plenty: Fourteenth Independence Anniversal Broadcast, main title (Federal Ministry of Information)
    With Peace and Plenty: Fourteenth Independence Anniversal Broadcast
  • 1978: John Martone, In the Course of the Real: Poems, page 16 (Copper Beech Press)
    O this is the coin and clue
    of a passage as
    secret now as memory,
    a point of anniversal
    exclamation! […]
  • 1980: Japan Kankyōchō, Quality of the Environment in Japan, page 318 (Environment Agency)
    Japan participated in the 2nd meeting of the INFOTERRA Networks Governing Council, which was held in Moscow in October, 1979, on the occasion of the fifth anniversal of the system’s founding.
  • 1996: Y. Cao, X.D. Qiu, Q.M. Lin, Y.Y. Xue, and C.W. Chu, Proceedings of the 10th Anniversal HTS Workshop on Physics, Materials and Applications: Houston, Texas, March 12–16, 1996, main title (World Scientific, Singapore)
    Proceedings of the 10th Anniversal HTS Workshop on Physics, Materials and Applications
  • 2001: International Society for Shamanistic Research, Bibliotheca Shamanistica, volume 10: Henri Paul Francfort, Roberte Hamayon, and Paul G. Bahn [eds.], “The Concept of Shamanism: Uses and Abuses”, page 248 (Akadémiai Kiadó; →ISBN, 9789630578660)
    It is essential immediately to distance ourselves from the psychological approach to shamanism, taken as an individual subjective experience, and the Anniversal trance or Aaltered states of consciousness theory²².
  • 2002: Momim Mohuddin, Muslim Communities in Medieval Konkan (610–1900 A.D.), page 106 (Sundeep Prakashan; →ISBN, 9788175741263)
    These mendicants would cluster at the dargāhs, serve the shrines voluntarily as khādims and would lead the ṣandal-ghilāf procession, preceding the ʿurs (anniversal comemoration or death anniversary) of the particular saint carrying unfurled ʿalams (nishāns) and beating their percussion instruments.
  • 2004: Lidia Michalska-Bracha, Historyka, volume XXXIV, pages 107–121: “On the ‘Anniversal’ Charakter of the Historiography of the January Uprising at the Turn of 19th/20th Centuries. Reflections on the Category of ‘Making Present’ of Historic Time”, main title
    On the ‘Anniversal’ Charakter of the Historiography of the January Uprising at the Turn of 19th/20th Centuries.
  • 2005: Akira Mizuta Lippit, Atomic Light (Shadow Optics), page 46
    She is exposed. Interiority and futurity. Berthe recognizes the lethal anniversal force of the photograph.