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English citations of actressor

  1. A gender-neutral term for an actor or actress, coined by Julian Beck as Blend of actress +‎ actor.
    • 1992, Julian Beck, Erica Bilder, Theandric: Julian Beck's last notebooks, page 36:
      That is perhaps why the actressor stands in the wings and trembles, not out of fear of the faceless mass of the audience, but because the sensation of being about to enter an arena, the arena of the self, the spectacle, is only interesting to the spectator if something is surpassed.
    • 1999, Lizbeth Goodman, Fatima Dike, Women, politics and performance in South African theatre today:
      And this group of actors — or as Julian Beck would have said in his efforts to purify the language of its dour sexist form, this group of actoresses and actressors - becomes the Promethean Activists, the ones able to undertake, in concourse with each other and the participating spectators, that "exhortation to courage" which the encounter between performers and audience is at best.
    • 2001, Sébastien Ors, Philippe Tancelin, Valérie Jouve, Bruno Dumont, page 71:
      What disturbs. me in your work is its capacity to slide into the temporality of each actor-being, what Julian Beck called the "actressor".