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Latin citations of Vectem

  • AD 119, Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (author), Maximilian Ihm (editor), De vita Caesarum (1908?), book X: “Divus Vespasianus”, chapter iv, § 1:
    Claudio principe Narcissi gratia legatus legionis in Germaniam missus est; inde in Britanniam translatus tricies cum hoste conflixit. duas ualidissimas gentes superque uiginti oppida et insulam Vectem Britanniae proximam in dicionem redegit partim Auli Plauti legati consularis partim Claudii ipsius ductu.
    In the reign of Claudius, by the interest of Narcissus, he was sent to Germany, in command of a legion; whence being removed into Britain, he engaged the enemy in thirty several battles. He reduced under subjection to the Romans two very powerful tribes, and above twenty great towns, with the Isle of Wight, which lies close to the coast of Britain; partly under the command of Aulus Plautius, the consular lieutenant, and partly under Claudius himself. ― translation from: Alexander Thomson, Suetonius: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars (1889), book X: “Vespasian”, chapter iv