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Citations:Abh. Berl. Akad.

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English citations of Abh.Berl.Akad. and AbhBerlAkad

  • 1940, Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, Sir Henry Stuart Jones, Roderick McKenzie, A Greek–English Lexicon, Oxford: Clarendon Press, sourced from Perseus, Frontmatter, IV. Periodicals:
    Abh.Berl.Akad. = Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Berlin), earlier der Koeniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (cited by Jahrgang).
  • 1963, Joseph F. Burke, John B. Woodward, A Review of the Genus Aulacodiscus, part 2, New York: Staten Island Institute of Arts & Sciences, page 56:
    Abh.Berl.Akad.1839:159, 3/6a–c. 1841.
  • 1972, John Griffiths Pedley, Ancient Literary Sources on Sardis (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis Monographs; 2), Harvard University Press, →ISBN, →ISSN, page 41/2:
    A stratum of oak ashes was found atop the chamber within the mound known as the Tomb of Alyattes; H. Spiegelthal in von Olfers, AbhBerlAkad 1858 (1859) 539–556, and G. M. A. Hanfmann, BASOR 170 (1963) 55.
  • 1977, Andrew Ferguson Stewart, Skopas of Paros, Park Ridge: Noyes Press, →ISBN, →LCCN, page 173/1:
    On Praxitelean idealism see esp. G. Rodenwaldt, ‘Θεοὶ ῥεῖα ζῴοντεςAbhBerlAkad (1943) 13; Richter’s remark that with Praxiteles: ‘The gods have descended from high Olympos and have become charming, serene human beings’ (Sc ⁴, 202) surely has the emphasis misplaced.
  • 1983, Douwe Theunis Runia, Philo of Alexandria and the Timaeus of Plato (academic dissertation), Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, →ISBN, page 482, note 1:
    On the text of the quotation see Bernays Abh.Berl.Akad.1883 67, Colson EE 9.528.
  • 〃, page 483, note 1:
    See Bernays Abh.Berl.Akad.1883 44–51 and the remarks of Cumont x–xi, Wolfson 1.38–39,173–180, Hadas-Lebel FE 35.33–35.
  • 2002, Florent Alexander Joseph Tremblay, Repertorium Siglorum: Acronyms and Abbreviations in Philology and Related Subjects, volume 1, Lewiston · Queenston · Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, →ISBN, page 30/1:
    AbhAkadBerlin ᴿAbhandlungen der deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Berlin 1804–1907. (= (K.) Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften).
    • 1908–49: Philosophisch-historische klasse.
    • 1950– : Klasse für Sprachen, Literatur und Kunst.
    • 1950–53: Klasse für Gesellschaft-wissenschaften.
    • 1955– : Klasse für Philosophie, Geschichte, Staats-, Rechts-, und Wirtschafts-wissenschaften.
    = AbhBerl, AbhBerlAkad, AbhBerlin, AbhandPreussAkadWissBerlPhilHistKl, AbhdlBerlin, AbhPreussAk, AbhPreussAkWiss, ADAW, APA, APAW, APrAW, BerlAbh, BerlAkAbh, DAdW.

German citations of AbhBerlAkad

  • 1996, Hendrik Svenson-Evers, Die griechischen Architekten archaischer und klassischer Zeit (Archäologische Studien; 11), illustrated edition, Peter Lang, →ISBN, →ISSN, page 392, note 6:
    [] Kultbildstatuen, im Gegensatz zu ἀνδριαντοποιός; zum Unterschied zwischen beiden Begriffen s. G. Rodenwald, AbhBerlAkad 13, 1944, 3 ff.); ebenso vielleicht in einem weiteren Papyros, POxy. X 1241, 1, 3–5, doch ist unsicher ob (ἀγαλματο-) oder (ἀνδριαντο-)ποιός zu ergänzen ist.
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Italian citations of AbhBerlAkad. and AbhBerlAkad

  • 1939, Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris, volume 5, Apollinaris, page 537:
    La stele relativa alla consegna degli arredi sacri del tempio di Apollo in Cirene stessa, già pubblicata da SFerri, « AbhBerlAkad. », 1925, n. 5, p. 32, è ripubblicata in forma migliore da GOliverio, DAAI. II 548.
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  • 1958, Guido Achille Mansuelli, editor, Galleria degli Uffizi: Le Sculture, Parte I (Direzione generale delle antichità e belle arti. Cataloghi dei musei e gallerie d’Italia; V), Instituto Poligrafico dello State, page 192:
    [] curio Errante, 10, 1776, p. 406; Tischbein, Homer, V, p. 33; Millin, GalMyth, p. 155 e 572; RGF, IV, CLVI–CLVII; Meyer, KGesch, III, p. 384; Uhden, AbhBerlAkad, 1812, p. 80; Jahn, Arch.Beitr, p. 388; D. 537 e p. xxi; Friederichs BerlBildW, p. 778; Schreiber, BersächsGes, 1885, p. 110; Heydemann, p. 76 ; Friedrichs–Wolters, n. 2113; Hauser, NAR, p. 75, n. 108; Am. 111; DocIned, IV, p. 27; Wiener VorlBl, V, T. 9; Lanciani ScRoma, III, p. 117; Robert, 20HallWPrgr, p. 49; Amelung, RMtt, 24, 1910, p. 189; Winter KGB, 393,6 Hauser, Jahresh, XVI, 1913, pp. 33 e segg., figg. 17–22; RR, III, p. 24, 3; Svoronos, Journ. intern. arch. numism. XVI, 1914, pp. 213 e segg.; Neugebauer, t. a. BrBr, 725, p. 20, figg. 10–11; Reinach, RA, 1916, 1, p. 314; De Ridder, REG, XXX, 1917, p. 186; Lübke–Pernice, KdA, p. 235; Boyer, RArtAncMod, LV, 1929, p. 213; Ch. Picard, ScAnt, II, p. 225; Merlin–Poinssot, Mahdia, p. 55 e p. 81; Rizzo, Bull. Comm, LX, 1932, p. 75, fig. 12; Lübke–Pernice–Sarne, KdA, 16, p. 336, fig. 381; Ch. Picard, BullBevordantBesch. XXIV–XXVI 1949–51, pp. 46 e ss.; Giglioli, AG, p. 1019.
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  • 1963, Giovanni Battista Pighi, Carlo Del Grande, Paolo Enrico Arias, editors, Enciclopedia classica, volume XI, Società editrice internazionale, page 239:
    La piú[sic] moderna interpretazione delle pitture delfiche si può trovare in C. Weickert, Studien zur Kunstgeschichte des 5 Jahrh. Chr. I Polygnot in AbhBerlAkad 1950 (ma Jahrg. 1947, n. 8).
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)

Spanish citations of Abh.Berl.Akad.