[noun](Japanese orthography and phonology) in 和語(wago, “native words”) and 漢語(kango, “Classical Chinese words”), a mora that is spelt with:
[noun] one of the full-sized kana, き(ki), ぎ(gi), し(shi), じ(ji), ち(chi), ぢ(ji), に(ni), ひ(hi), び(bi), ぴ(pi), み(mi) and り(ri), followed by one the small kana, ゃ, ゅ and ょ, to represent the palatalization of the mora
[noun] one of the full-sized kana, く(ku) and ぐ(gu), followed by the small kana ゎ, to represent the historical labialization of the mora
(This term, ようおん(yōon), is the hiragana spelling of the above term.)