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Old Ruthenian


Alternative forms




Borrowed from some European language, ultimately from Medieval Latin typographia, from Ancient Greek τυπογράφος (tupográphos) + -ίᾱ (-íā). Later reinforced by Russian типогра́фія (tipográfija), attested since 1709. First attested in the 1633 and 1646.



типокграфїꙗ (tipografijaf inan

  1. printing house, printshop
    • 1646, Номоканꙍ́нъ, си́ є҅стъ законопра́вилникъ. [Nomokanón, sí je҅st zakonoprávilnik., Nomocanon, i.e. book of regulations.]‎[1], Lvov, page 1:
      Въ Лвовѣ, в҆́ Тѵпоґра́фїи Міхаи́ла Слі҅о́ски
      V Lvově, v҆́ Tipográfii Mixaíla Sli҅óski
      In Lvov, in the Printing House of Mikhail Slioski



Further reading
